
  • 网络microinjection;Micro-injection;micro injection
  1. 卵胞内微注射mRNA后胞膜上出现的新离子流

    An ion current expression after intracellular microinjection of mRNA in the Xenopus oocytes

  2. 气压电控式DNA微注射量单因素控制方案中存在准确性较差的问题。

    The single-factor controlling accuracy of the DNA microinjection volume by a pneutronic controller has been limited and needs improvement .

  3. 随机模糊神经网络在DNA微注射量信息融合控制中的应用

    Information Fusing Control of DNA Microinjection Volume Based on Stochastic Fuzzy Neural Network

  4. ABA的识别到底发生在胞外还是胞内,近几年随着微注射技术的应用,也得到不少实验证据。

    The sense of ABA lies in the outside or inside of plasma membrane , there are some evidences with the techniques of microinjection .

  5. 腹侧被盖区微注射MK-801对大鼠吗啡戒断症状的影响

    Microinjection of MK-801 into ventral tegmental area reduces naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal in rats

  6. 随着微注射成型新技术的发展,微型陶瓷部件将应用于环境要求苛刻、结构复杂的MEMS系统。

    With the development of the micro injection moulding technique , micro ceramic parts would be applied in the complex structure MEMS system for the severed rugged environment .

  7. 最后,我们研究了黑质微注射NPS后,小鼠脑中c-fos表达的变化。

    Finally , we observed the expression of c-fos protein in the mouse brain after the microinjection of NPS in substantia nigra .

  8. 微注射成型技术是推动微机电系统(MEMS)飞速发展的关键技术之一,其发展过程中面临的挑战主要是微尺度型腔中聚合物熔体的充填困难。

    Micro Injection Molding ( MIM ) is one of the key technologies which promote the development of Micro Electro Mechanical systems ( MEMS ) . The melt filling difficulty in micro cavity is the main challenge of MIM now .

  9. 微注射MT-hGH融合基因后,小鼠原核卵体外发育和移植的研究

    Study on the Development in vitro and Transfer of Mice Pronuclear Eggs Following MT-hGH Fusion Gene-microinjection

  10. 通过微注射法将鸡原始生殖细胞(PGCs)注入到鸭的胚盘下腔中,用鸡W染色体DNA探针通过原位杂交的方法对供体PGCs在嵌合体胚胎性腺外的发育作了研究。

    Chicken PGCs from a line of White Leghorns were microinjected into Maya duck blastoderms at stage ⅹ . Extragonadal development of donor PGCs in chicken duck chimeric embryos were studied by in situ hybridization with W chromosome specific DNA probes .

  11. 目的研究室旁核(PVN)、腹内侧核(VMH)及背内侧核(DMH)微注射瘦素对血压(BP)的调节作用,揭示瘦素BP调节的可能中枢位点。

    Objective To determine the cardiovascular effects of microinjection of leptin into the paraventricular ( PVN ), ventromedial ( VMH ) and dorsomedial ( DMH ) hypothalamic nucleus and identify the possible site ( s ) on which leptin acts to influence blood pressure .

  12. 在推导出适合微注射成型的控制方程的基础上,采用Cross-WLF粘度模型,确定边界条件,为进一步简化控制方程做准备。

    It founded theoretical principle for numerical simulation of micro injection molding . 2 . On the foundation of the control mathematical equation suit to micro injection molding , used Cross-WLF viscous model and defined boudary conditions for to simplify the control equation .

  13. 基于支持向量机算法的微注射成型工艺参数优化

    Process Parameter Optimization of Micro-Injection Molding Based on Support Vector Machine

  14. 孤束核微注射内皮素-1对心血管活动的影响

    Cardiovascular responses evoked by endothelin 1 microinjected into the nucleus tractus solitarius

  15. 疏水化工艺在数字化超微量微注射中的应用

    Application of hydrophobic materials to digital super micro volume microinjection

  16. 微注射成型技术的发展现状与展望

    Current Situation and Prospect of Technology in Micro Injection Molding

  17. 微注射成型中变模温控制技术

    Current Situation and Prospect of Dynamic Mold Temperature Control in Micro Injection Molding

  18. 通过微注射成形工艺制得聚丙烯微结构件,微结构部分是具有微米级直径的微圆柱阵列。

    Polypropylene micro-structured parts with micro pillars array were fabricated by polymer MIM .

  19. 细胞微注射玻璃针的制造

    Production of Micro Glass Pipette in Cell Injection

  20. 用曲细精管微注射法建立绿色荧光蛋白转基因小鼠

    Construction of transgenic mice carrying enhanced green fluorescent protein gene by seminiferous tubule microinjection

  21. 为保证银颗粒能均匀吸附到荧光粉表面,我们采用微注射法将两者缓慢混合。

    For a uniform absorption , we use micro injection method to mix them .

  22. 热塑性塑料微注射成型的关键技术

    Key Techniques for Micro Injection Molding of Thermoplastics

  23. 水生物种基因转移微注射自动化技术

    Gene transfer microinjection automation technique in aquatic animal

  24. 猪微注射基因导入系统影响受体受孕率及产仔率的几个因素

    Factors influencing pregnancy and farrowing rates of the recipient sows in the gene transfer program

  25. 当卵和精子经上述处理后,一个获能后的死精子微注射到卵细胞质中。

    After oocytes and spermatozoa were treated , a single immotile spermatozoon was injected into the ooplasm .

  26. 注射成型的微型化&微注射成型技术

    Miniaturization of Injection Moulding-Micro-injection Moulding

  27. 孤束核微注射5-羟色胺系统药物对大鼠睡眠-觉醒的影响及机制

    Effects and Mechanisms of Systemic 5-HT Microinjections in Nucleus of the Solitary on Sleep-Wakefulness Cycles in Rats

  28. 细胞微注射气动系统

    Pneumatic Microinjection System for Cells

  29. 微注射成型中工艺参数对微塑件成型质量影响的实验研究

    Investigation and experiments of process parameters on the quality of micro plastic parts in micro injection molding

  30. 结果表明,对流换热系数对细胞培养皿成型所需的最大注射压力和填充率的影响较大,准确的对流换热系数是微注射成型充填流动模拟结果准确的重要因素之一。

    The results indicate that heat transfer coefficient has great effects on the maximum injection pressure and fill percentage .