
  • 网络minor gene;polygenes
  1. 遗传研究表明,胚乳云雾性状为一隐性性状,受单一隐性基因控制,与其相关的低AAC由一主效基因和若干微效基因控制。

    Genetic studies revealed that the mist trait was controlled by a single recessive gene , and its related low AAC was regulated by a major gene with slight modifications by minor gene ( s ) .

  2. 小麦品种温度互作中抗条锈微效基因的表达

    Studies on the expression of minor gene ( s ) resistant to Puccinia striiformis in the interactions between wheat cultivars and temperature

  3. 从F2∶3估计的主基因遗传力分别为0.54%和18.23%,估计的微效基因遗传力分别为83.56%和16.32%。

    And those of the minor genes were estimated as 83.56 % and 16.32 % , respectively .

  4. BMD是由多个微效基因共同控制而决定的并受环境等因素的影响。

    More and more evidence showed that heredity factors is closely related to the change of bone mineral density ( BMD ), which is controlled by multiple mini-effect gene .

  5. 还有学者发现为4个QTLs,其中一个主效基因Rf-10被定位在第10染色体上,3个微效基因分别定位在第1,第7和第11染色体上。

    Still some scholars found four QTLs , one of major genes , Rf-10 was located on chromosome 10 , three minor genes were located on 1,7 and 11 respectively .

  6. 结果表明,L160A不育性的遗传由一对隐性基因控制,同时受到其他微效基因的修饰;

    The inheritance of sterility in L160A was found to be controlled by a pair of recessive gene with the modification of some minor genes .

  7. 小麦微效基因和修饰基因的选择理论与实践

    Theory and Practice of Choosing Minor Genes and Modifying Genes from Wheat

  8. 结果表明水稻种子的低温发芽力是由多个微效基因共同控制的。

    The results showed LTG were controlled by a number of mini-effect QTL .

  9. 微效基因方差为34.53cm2,环境方差为10.23cm2。

    Polygenic variance is estimated as 34.53 cm 2 and environmental variance as 10.23 cm 2 .

  10. 提出了大白菜细胞核主效基因显性抑制及微效基因修饰的雄性不育遗传模式。

    A genetic model of Interactive Inhibition of Dominant Genes and Modification of Minor Genes was arisen .

  11. 其遗传具有数量性状遗传特点,受一个主效基因和多个微效基因控制。

    It indicated a quantitatively inherited character to the isoflavone content , which is controlled by a mayor gene as well as polygenes .

  12. 采用主-微效基因混合遗传模式,分析了花生抗黄曲霉侵染的遗传规律。结果表明花生对黄曲霉侵染的抗性是由一对主基因和一对微效基因控制。

    The inheritance of resistance to infection by Aspergillus flavus in peanut was studied in the genetic model of a pair of major genes and minor genes .

  13. 许多人类疾病和动植物的重要性状都是数量性状,而数量性状大多是由少数的主基因、多数的微效基因及其相互作用所控制。

    Most diseases in human and important traits in plants and animals are quantitative traits , controlled by several major genes , many minor genes and their interactions .

  14. 其育性遗传表现出明显的数量遗传特征,为数量性状遗传,雄性育性受一组对环境条件(主要为温光条件)敏感的微效基因控制。

    The male sterile heredity of ecological male sterile line showed apparent quantitative heredity features , which was controlled by a set of minor genes called environmental condition sensitive genes .

  15. 耐冷性状的差异既有主效基因也有微效基因,在长期的生态驯化过程中微效基因累积到一定程度可变为主效基因。

    The difference in cold tolerance characters involved both major and minor genes , and the accumulation of minor genes in ecological acclimation resulted in the formation of major genes .

  16. 由于单基因控制的高抗品种在生产上抗性很容易丧失,而由微效基因控制的持久抗性品种日益受到重视。

    Due to the high single-gene controlled of anti-resistance wheat varieties in the production is easily to breakdown , the minor-genes controlling durable-resistance species were more and more be attention .

  17. 结果表明,该组合的穗下节长涉及一个主基因和一组微效基因,主基因杂合体为不完全负显性;

    The results indicate that the genetic difference of spike length in this cross relates to one major gene and a group of polygenes ; Heterozygote of the major gene shows incomplete negative daminance ;

  18. 在所有遗传效应中,降低玉米耐性的遗传效应占主导地位:玉米耐低钾特性受主效基因和微效基因控制;

    The genetic effect decreasing tolerance play a important role in all effects . The conclusion could also be drawn that the tolerance on low-potassium in maize were controlled by genes with major and minor effect .

  19. 研究结果表明,白菜型多室性状受一对隐性核基因控制,芥菜型油菜多室性状虽也为一对隐性核基因控制,但还为微效基因所修饰。

    The result showed that multilocular character was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene in B. rapa . Although the trait was also controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene , but modified by minor genes in B. juncea .

  20. 通过主效、微效基因的重组控制较强抗性和较宽抗性谱,反映出不同类型抗性谱互补的抗性基因重组产生的基因的集团效应。

    Thus , high resistance and wide resistance spectrum were obtained by recombination of major and minor genes in line Jinghe 8811 . The results suggested that ' Group Effect of Genes ( GEC ) ' could be developed from recombination of the different genes with complementary resistance spectra .

  21. 在持续多代选育持久抗锈品种过程中,F4及其以后的1~2代是累积微效抗性基因的关键世代。

    F_4 and its successive generation are also the crucial generations in the process of incorporation of additive genes for stripe rust resistance .

  22. 分子标记技术及理论的发展,可在全基因组的水平上将数量性状的微效多基因效应分解为单基因的效应进行QTL定位并研究各位点的遗传效应。

    With the development of molecular marker technology , quantitative trait locus could be mapped to analyze in whole genome .

  23. 对分离比进行遗传分析和X2检验,结果表明紫薇矮生性状受一对完全显性主效基因控制,同时存在微效修饰基因。

    Genetic analysis and chi-square test showed that dwarf type in Lagerstroemia likely controlled by an complete dominance major gene as well as polygene .

  24. 目前,许多学者认为这些数量性状的表现不仅受微效多基因或QTL控制,而且也与主效基因调控密切相关。

    At present , many scholars believe that the performance of these traits are not only controlled by minor-polygene or QTL , but also closely related to the regulation of major genes .

  25. PKV是典型的由微效多基因控制的数量性状,HPV、BDV、CPV、SBV和CSV都可能是由一对主效基因和若干微效基因共同控制的。

    PKV was a typical quantitative character , while HPV , BDV , CPV , SBV and CSV , each might be controled by a major gene and several minor genes .

  26. 从JnA×恢313的F2出现少量不育株和半恢株的情况看,JnA不育性的恢复既受主效基因控制,又受微效多基因控制。

    Several sterile plants and half-restore plants were be found in F2 of JnA × Hui313 , which indicated that restoration of sterile character of JnA was controlled by main effect gene and micro-effect polygene .

  27. 这类品种虽无主效抗性基因,但可能有微效抗性基因。

    These varieties were considered to possess minor resistance genes .

  28. 环境条件的变化对育性基因、尤其是微效恢复基因和抑制基因的遗传效应有不同程度的影响。

    The genetic expression of fertility genes was affected by environmental factors .

  29. 分析认为,这是数量性状受众多微效多基因控制的必然现象。

    This phenomenon was thought to be due to multiple genes controlling a quantitative trait .

  30. 穗粒性状是由微效多基因控制的数量性状;

    The ear - kernel characters were quantitative in nature , controlled by many genes with small effects ;