- microamp

In this paper , high performances are reviewed of semiconductor quan - tum wire ( QWR ) lasers with extremely low threshold currents ( in the μ A range ), considerably high modulation bandwidth and narrow spectral linewidth and low temperature sensitivity .
It causes a current of250,000 nanoamperes to flow though us .
Error Analysis of the Inner - resistance Measure of the Microammeter
Comparison of Some methods of Surveying the Internal Resistance in Micro-ampere-meter
An experiment research on changing the microampere meter to an ohm meter
The uncertainty analysis of measuring inner-resistance of micro-ampere-meter with the substitute method
The taste of cold iron in his mouth gave him comfort .
Our brains work on currents near one nanoampere .
Among the methods of measuring inner-resistance of micro-ampere-meter with the substitute method is the most simple one .
The solar cell is a battery , even in the dark , and will usually show a few microamps of current .
However , the telephone lines can only support a load of about 500 uA , which uses telephone lines to become a fundamental obstacle to power .
This paper introduces the formula for measuring errors of the inner-resistance of the microammeter , meanwhile showing detailed analysis of its special case & equal and partial measures .
The zero adjustment and full scale adjustment can be realized by adjusting circuit parameters , The method for replacing the original mter with a commonly used ammeter is described .
A new micro-ampere detector , which uses the data amplifier to enlarge the weak signal , is developed according to the principle of the ampere detection and the potentiostat .
A changed temperature lead to the change of value of the thermistor , then the bridge balance broke up , which induced the change of current value to the microammeter .
In the studying of the specific property of the diode , the zero drift of the microammeter is caused by electromagnetic wave , and it has great effects on the result of the measure .
According to the system simulation , the implementing current in system is at the level of microampere , demonstrating that we have realized the object of circuits on low supply voltage with less power dissipation ;
The unit of measure is the ampere , or amp , with currents usually expressed in amperes ( A ), milliamperes ( mA ), microamperes (μ A ), nanoamperes ( nA ), or occasionally picoamperes ( pA ) .