
  1. 该系统通过前端的单片微型摄像头对文字进行图像采集,然后由DSP处理器进行图像分析和汉字识别,最后通过语音合成芯片进行朗读。

    This system captures the images of the Chinese character through a single chip digital imaging device , then sends the image signal to the DSP to processing and identifying the Chinese character , at last drives a speech synthesis to read it .

  2. 微型摄像头芯片FPCB精密模具机械化分板工序

    Mechanical dividing procedure of precision die for mini-camera lens chip FPCB

  3. 美国约翰霍普金森大学医院今日决定向患者赔偿1.9亿美元。医院一名医生利用为女病人进行妇科检查的机会使用微型摄像头偷拍了数千名女病人的下身。

    Johns Hopkins University agreed to a $ 190M settlement after one of its gynecologist used a secret camera to record exams .

  4. 而我们看不到的则是那些如今已经问世的微型摄像头,或是那些为识别人的身份而日益复杂的软件。

    What we don 't see are the very small surveillance cameras now obtainable , or the increasingly sophisticated software for identifying individuals .

  5. 配备微型摄像头的蟑螂,可以在搜救犬和搜救人员抵达之前,被派往灾难现场,帮助急救人员及时获得现场情况的第一手资料。

    The cockroaches can be equipped with miniature cameras and can be sent in before dogs and humans , which allows emergency personnel to get a first look at the situation .

  6. 主治医生贾汀德·马赫塔拉在接受《华盛顿邮报》采访时表示,当把微型摄像头伸到该男子的胃部时,却有了“不同寻常的发现”。

    But then they put a camera down into the man 's stomach " and saw a very different kind of thing , " Jatinder Malholtra , the chief surgeon , told The Washington Post .

  7. 关节内窥镜手术是一种微创外科技术,主要是应用微型摄像头的光学传导系统在人体的关节腔内游走,实现对关节疾病的诊断和治疗。

    Arthroscope technology is a minimally invasive surgery , i.e. transmigrating inside the joint cavity with optical transmission system of miniature camera , and a medical treatment to realize diagnosis of the joint disease and surgical treatment .

  8. 本文利用自行开发的多DSP的视频图像处理板和微型CCD摄像头,设计并研制出自主式的道路行进模型车。

    Using the video processing board with Multi-DSP and micro CCD camera improved , an independent road-traveling model car is developed in this paper .

  9. 经微型电子摄像头的摄取并经微电脑确认,做出各种相应的提示指令,来完成盲人日常生活中各种识物引导工作。

    The orders are caught by the micro-electric CAM , assured by the micro-computer and then used to guide the reading of the blind men .