
xún huán jié
  • cyclic check
  1. 供应链的协同涉及多个企业、多个环节、多种因素,是一个复杂的系统问题,具有非线性、多反馈循环节等复杂系统的特点。

    The supply chain collaboration relates with so many different enterprises , links and factors . It is a complex system problem which has nonlinear and multi-feedback characteristics .

  2. 纯循环小数循环节的规律

    Recurring Period of Pure Recurring Decimal

  3. 任教英文科每周/循环周平均节数?玛雅循环周期开始于相同的日期。

    No. of English Language Periods Taught Per Week / Cycle Many cycles begin on that same date .

  4. 每次运动包括3个循环,每1循环包括12节运动,每节运动包括在30~45s内做8次收缩,各节运动间休息15~30s,每个循环间休息2min。

    Each time sport involved 3 cycles , and each cycle contained 12 sections including 8 contractions in 30-45 seconds ; the subjects could rest for 15-30 seconds between 2 sections , and 2 minutes between 2 cycles .