
  • 网络Heat gain
  1. 因此,增加窗玻璃的得热量,降低热损耗,已成为节能技术的关键问题。

    Therefore increasing the heat gain and reducing the heat loss of the windowpane becomes key question in the saving energy technology .

  2. 建立了扁盒式光伏热水一体墙的理论模型,采用由软件生成的合肥地区全年气象数据对其光电光热性能和室内得热量进行数值模拟。

    Based on the meteorological data of Hefei , a numerical model was built for the simulation of the electrical / thermal performance and heat gain of the solar wall integrated with flat-box PV / thermal collectors .

  3. 基于PMV的空调客车隔热壁得热量确定

    Determination of the Envelop heat gain on the Air conditioning Passenger Train Based on the PMV Index

  4. 阳光控制膜(Solar-controlfilm)及Low-E低辐射膜能大大减少透过玻璃窗的太阳辐射得热量,从而减小空调负荷。

    Solar-control glass film and low - E glass film can greatly reduce the heat through the windows , thus reduce air conditioning load .

  5. 本文根据PMV指标及列车隔热壁热平衡方程,讨论了空调客车车内设定温度与平均辐射温度、外气温度的热舒适关系,从而合理地确定隔热壁得热量;

    Based on the equations of the PMV index and the thermal balance on the envelop of the air conditioning passenger train , the heat gain of the envelop is determined with the relationship of the design indoor temperature , outdoor temperature and the sun light radiate intensity .

  6. 透过遮阳系统的室内太阳辐射得热量实验研究

    Measuring for solar heat gain through glass windows with shading system

  7. 关于太阳能热水器得热量测试方法的探讨

    Study About Heat-Obtaining Quantity Test Method of Solar Water Heater

  8. 太阳能热水器得热量的两种测定方法比较

    Comparing Two Test Methods About Heat-Obtaining Quantity of Solar Heating Water System

  9. 比较了围护结构传热得热量的两种计算方法:周期性反应系数法和传递函数法。

    Compares the periodic response factor method and the transfer function method .

  10. 空调客车隔热壁得热量的影响因素

    The Factors Affecting the Envelop Thermal Load on the Air-conditioning Passenger Train

  11. 建筑围护结构得热量与建筑设计因素关系的研究

    The Research of the Relation between Building Energy Consumption and Building Design Factors

  12. 建筑围护结构传热得热量计算方法的比较

    Comparison of calculation methods for heat gain by heat transfer of building envelopes

  13. 空气间层高度的增加使系统得热量显著增加;

    The higher air gap height is , the more indoor heat gain is .

  14. 以及列车行驶速度对隔热壁得热量的影响

    And how it is affected by the running speed of the train is discussed

  15. 日光温室山墙对室内太阳直接辐射得热量的影响

    Effect of gable wall on the heat gain from direct solar radiation in sunlight greenhouse

  16. 在考虑太阳辐射的影响下,将水平总太阳辐射进行分解,得到建筑物不同朝向墙体的得热量。

    Considered the role of solar radiation on the external surface , the measured global solar radiation was decomposed into heat gains on different direction wall surfaces .

  17. 比较了不同集热蓄热墙体结构的热性能,发现耦合传热的墙体形式在白天的得热量最大;

    Through the simulation of three kinds of collector-storage wall structure patterns , it is found that coupled heat transfer pattern gains more heat in the day .

  18. 对方程组中的内表面对流换热系数、各表面间的辐射换热角系数、冷风渗透耗热量、太阳辐射得热量等各项进行确定。

    It calculates several calculating parameters , such as the inside surface convection heat transfer coefficient 、 radiator heating coefficient 、 air infiltration heat consumption 、 solar radiation heat gain .

  19. 介绍了汽车发动机试验室室内得热量和空调送风量的计算以及空调、通风系统的构成和特点。

    This paper presents the calculation of the heat gain and air volume in a motor - test lab. and introduces the constitution and characteristic of the air conditioning and ventilation system .

  20. 一方面,建筑热负荷在不考虑室内得热量情况下,主要由建筑外围护结构负荷和通风负荷构成。

    On one hand , thermal loads of buildings , apart from internal gains , can be classified in two main categories : losses or gains through the envelope and ventilation loads .

  21. 夏季,太阳辐射得热量是室内冷、热负荷的主要来源,减少这部分太阳辐射得热量,特别是减少通过外窗的太阳辐射热量是建筑节能工作的重点和难点。

    In summer , solar heat gain is the main source of room cooling load . How to reduce this part of heat gain through windows is the important and difficult point of the building energy efficiency work .

  22. 包括再生空气流量的计算确定,工程当地的气候情况和太阳辐射得热量计算等,最后把新型的太阳能除湿空调系统与传统的冷却除湿空调系统的能耗进行对比。

    Including regeneration air flow calculation , climate of the engineering local and solar radiation heat gain calculation , and compared the energy consumption of new solar desiccant air conditioning system with traditional cooling and dehumidifying air-conditioning system .

  23. 系统得热量是家用太阳热水系统热性能的主要参数,国标家用太阳热水系统热性能试验方法(GB/T18708&2002)中规定了测试的内容,试验的方法有两种,即混水法和排水法。

    Solar heat gain is the main parameter of the thermal performance of domestic solar water heating systems and specified . In National Standard ( GB / T 18708-2002 ) . There are two test methods , i. e. drainable and mixing .

  24. 本文导出了通过三层玻璃窗进入室内的太阳辐射得热量公式以及三层玻璃的总透过系数、每层吸收系数、总吸收系数和总反射系数。

    In this paper , the solar heat gain ( SHG ) formula for the triple glazing window of the room and the solar transmittance , absorptance of each pane , total absorptance and the total reflectance of the triple glazing have been given .

  25. 建立了某区域供暖系统的动态模型,分析了系统的动态特性及散热损失、补水率、混水比、太阳辐射及室内得热量对室内温度的影响。

    Develops the non-linear dynamic model for a mixing water district heating system . Analyses dynamic characteristics of the system and the influences of pipe heat loss , ratio of makeup water , ratio of mixing water , solar radiation and internal heat gains on indoor air temperature .

  26. 结果表明,当太阳能集热器面积与蓄热体积匹配合适时,使用较小面积的太阳能集热器集得的热量就可满足建筑物的热负荷需求。

    The results indicate that the energy collected by smaller solar collectors could be sufficient for the heat load of a building when the collector area and the storage volume are optimally matched .

  27. 分析得出产热量的分布规律;列车行车状况、活塞风井、不同形式车站及区间隧道通风空调系统对隧道内速度场、温度场及新风量的影响规律。

    Also , the heat output and the influence of train run status , piston-action ventilation shaft , different mode of ventilation and air conditioning system for station tunnel on airflow field , temperature distributions and fresh air requirement of subway were investigated .

  28. 由粉末状纤维素制得的低热量的焙烤食品不仅有更多的膳食纤维含量,而且保湿和保鲜的时间更长。

    Reduced-calorie baked goods made with powdered cellulose , not only have an increased content of dietary fiber , but also stay moist and fresh longer .

  29. 我们知道它必须很大,因为我们得从中提取热量,但不改变它的温度。

    We know it has to big anyway , since we can extract heat from it without changing the temperature .

  30. 对于应将每天摄入的热量控制在2000卡路里左右的普通成年人而言,谷物制品替代比其营养丰富得多,且热量也相对较低的水果和蔬菜,在膳食中的占有很大比例。

    For the average adult , who should aim for a daily intake of 2,000 calories , these grain foods displace far more nutritious ( and relatively low-calorie ) fruits and vegetables .