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  1. 比如,20岁的徐乐,正就读于北京外国语大学柬埔寨语专业。

    For example , Xu Yue , 20 , is majoring in Cambodian at Beijing Foreign Studies University .

  2. 徐乐说,她喜欢本田,但荣威很炫,看上去像我喜欢开的那种车。

    She says she likes the Honda , 'but the Roewe is stylish and looks like a car I want to drive .

  3. 没有竞争,或许我们更愿意安于现状,心甘情愿地做一个普通人,徐乐说。

    Without the competition , maybe we ` d be satisfied with the status quo , and willing to be ordinary , says Xu .

  4. 国产汽车的质量迅速提升,意味着中国购车人有了更多的选择。北京一家化妆品公司的26岁销售专员徐乐就是众多购车人之一。

    The rapidly improving quality of homegrown cars means that Chinese buyers like Xu Le , a26-year-old sales specialist for a cosmetics company in Beijing , have more choices .