
yǐnɡ xiànɡ zēnɡ qiánɡ qì
  • image intensifier
  1. X射线与影像增强器作用过程的蒙特卡罗研究

    Monte Carlo Study of Interactions of X Rays with Image Intensifier

  2. 光电X射线影像增强器探照灯射出一道道强光。

    Electro-optical X-ray image intensifier The searchlights projected powerful beams of light .

  3. 新型组合式X射线影像增强器

    The Novel Combined X-Ray Image Intensifier

  4. 光电X射线影像增强器

    Electro-optical X-ray image intensifier

  5. 因此,该方案并不适合X射线能量较高的场合,如工业无损检测中使用的影像增强器。

    So , this method is not suitable for cases involving the use of high energy X-rays , such as non-destructive detection in industry .

  6. 影像增强器型C形臂具有成本低、使用广泛的特点。但影像增强器会使C形臂存在不可避免的图像失真,导致C臂图像不能正确进行空间定位及导航。

    Though Image Intensifier c-arm is well known for its low cost and widely usage , C-arm image cannot orientate and navigate location correctly , due the unavoidable image distortion .

  7. 然后对X射线成像系统的标定算法进行改进,提出一种适用于C型臂X射线透视系统的在线标定技术,同时对影像增强器引起的图像失真进行了校正。

    Then , we improve the calibration algorithm for the C-arm fluoroscopy image system , propose an on line calibration technique and revise the image distortion caused by the image intensifier .

  8. 而影像增强器电视系统的DQE在较大范围内下降是由于混合性的图像噪音及CCD的SHOT噪音。

    The II / TV DQE drops at higher dose range due to fixed pattern noise and CCD shot noise .

  9. 影像增强器内电极和管壳对X射线的背向散射将降低增强器输出图像的空间分辨率和对比度。

    The X-ray backscattering from the inner electrodes and the tube wall of an X-ray image intensifier ( XRII ) will degrade the spatial resolution and the contrast of an output image .

  10. 然后以无限大平面铁板作为增强器内电极和管壳的几何模型,以CsI:Na的透过X射线能谱为铁板模型的入射能谱,分析了X射线在影像增强器中的背向散射特性。

    The energy spectra of exit photons from CsI : Na are presented , which are used as the incident spectra on iron , the constituents of the inner electrodes and shell of intensifiers . The backscattering properties of X rays in intensifiers are analyzed .

  11. 结果:首先,在一个相对大的范围内,FD的量子转换效率(DQE)较影像增强器电视系统高。

    Results show a DQE of the flat detector this is higher compared to II / TV and , above all , constant over a wide dose range .

  12. 为此我们专门建立一套RF系统用于FD及影像增强器电视系统的对比,在完全相同的X-线条件下,该系统对影像质量测量及病人影像在技术上进行直接的的对比评估;

    An RF system has been built which comprises both the FD as well as an II / TV detector . This system enables a direct comparison of technical image quality measurements and patient images under exactly the same x-ray conditions .

  13. 文章详细分析了组合新型X射线影像增强器的结构特点、成像原理和成像性能;

    In this paper , the novel combined X-ray image intensifier is described in terms of its structure , imaging principle and imaging performance , and the comparisons of the structure , imaging principle and imaging performance between the novel combined one and the conventional one are given in detail .

  14. 介绍了国内外近贴聚焦X射线影像增强器和相应的Lixiscope系统,指出了相应的技术指标和特点,给出了改进Lixiscope的技术途径和应用前景。

    In this paper , it is introduced the proximity focusing X-ray intensifier and Lixiscope system at home and abroad Their quantification and feature are pointed out . The technological way and application prospect of improved Lixiscope were given .

  15. 方法:对平板探测器(FPDD)X线成像与影像增强器电视(IITV)X线成像在动态范围、成像均匀性、对比度线性、对比分辨率等图像质量指标的检测及比较。

    Methods : Flat-panel digital detector ( FPDD ) Imaging was compared with image intensifier TV ( IITV ) imaging in dynamic range , imaging uniformity , contrast linearity , contrast resolution .

  16. 流动影像增强器X光系统

    Mobile image intensifier X-ray system

  17. 测试结果表明平板探测器的图像性能要优于传统影像增强器成像性能。

    The results show the image quality of flat panel de ˉ tector system is better than that of image intensifier system .

  18. 当影像增强器由头倾位向足倾位旋转时,右冠状动脉主干逐渐伸展。

    When the image intensifier was rotated from cranial to caudal , the main part of RCA was observed to have a extending trend .

  19. 本文设计了新型的X光成像系统,它的核心部件X光影像增强器是一个混合型器件。

    A novel X-ray imaging system was designed and its key device is X-ray image intensifier tube , which is a vacuum and non-vacuum mixed device .

  20. 方法将一已知长度的金属铅片在电视透视下沿大视野的右侧缘粘贴固定在影像增强器的表面上,作为测量比例标识尺;

    Methods A certain length of lead patch , fixed through fluoroscopy along the right lateral margin of the image intensifier surface was employed as a proportionally marked measurement ruler .

  21. 设计并实现了控制光应力和应力自动切换的控制模块,使影像增强器可靠性试验用机器视觉系统可在不同条件(光应力、电应力)下对影像增强器进行可靠性进行试验。

    FOXBASE CHINESE-ENGLISH AUTO-REFORMA-TING TECHNOLOGY The control module which control the lighting and electric power to be switched automatically were designed , it allows the system to do a reliability testing for image intensifier in different condition .

  22. 其次,按照机器视觉系统的逻辑结构,探讨了机器视觉系统各部分的设计方法,并在此方法的指导下实现了影像增强器可靠性试验用机器视觉系统的设计。

    Secondly , the design technique for different part of machine vision system is discussed according to system 's logical structure , and then the design of image intensifier reliability testing used machine vision system was turn to reality with the design technique 's guidance .

  23. 我们研制成功的新型低强度X-射线影像仪,是由小型X射线管、单近贴聚焦平板式X-射线影像增强器和小型直流高压电源组成。

    A new type of low intensity of X-ray imaging scope ( Lixiscope ) was developed by CUST , that consists of a small x-ray tube , a single proximity focus X-ray image intensifier and a miniature high-voltage power .