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yǐng xiàng
  • image;shadow;icon;portrait;silhouette;portray;a portrait of the deceased
影像 [yǐng xiàng]
  • (1) [portray;a portrait of the deceased]∶画像;遗像

  • 悬挂影像

  • (2) [silhouette]∶影子,身影

  • 墙上有个人的影像

  • (3) [image;shadow]∶形象。指人的音容笑貌

  • 心中的影像

影像[yǐng xiàng]
  1. 机器上的计算机在屏幕上产生了影像。

    A computer in the machine creates an image on the screen .

  2. 那面镜子里好像映现出很多个他的影像。

    His image seemed to be reflected many times in the mirror .

  3. 这孩子看着那明亮的移动的影像,被迷住了。

    The child watched , enthralled by the bright moving images .

  4. 影像被投射到眼睛的视网膜上。

    Images are projected onto the retina of the eye .

  5. 他欣赏着自己在镜中的影像。

    He admired his reflection in the mirror .

  6. 她看到自己在窗玻璃上照出的影像。

    She saw herself mirrored in the window .

  7. 国家电视台播出了大片农田淹没在水中的影像。

    State television showed film of vast areas of farmland underwater .

  8. 关于那个晚上的影像和记忆在她脑海中一一闪现。

    Images and memories of the evening flitted through her mind .

  9. 一连串相当混乱的影像在屏幕上闪过。

    A series of largely formless images rushed across the screen .

  10. 但是,电视影像要求有十分细微的光影变化。

    But TV images require subtle gradations of light and shade .

  11. 这些影像是电视剧组人员在外景地拍摄的。

    The images were captured by TV crews filming outside the base .

  12. 这些影像勾起了对昔日时光的强烈怀念。

    The images provoked strong surges of nostalgia for the days of yore

  13. 这辆大巴能坐45人,内有空调和影像设备。

    The bus is a 45-seater with air-con and videos .

  14. 电子显微镜利用电子束形成高倍影像。

    The electron microscope uses a beam of electrons to produce images at high magnifications

  15. 银行能提供用过该机器的顾客的影像证据。

    The bank is able to provide photographic evidence of who used the machine .

  16. 音乐、哑剧动作和强烈的视觉影像在表演中产生了强烈的效果。

    Music , mime and strong visual imagery play a strong part in the productions

  17. 他们发现了如何在表面薄薄的一层上形成影像。

    They discovered how to form the image in a thin layer on the surface .

  18. 这部电影的影像有绘画的风格。

    The film has a painterly eye .

  19. 一个计算机天才准备靠他开发的革命性影像技术赚取500万英镑。

    A computer boffin is set to make £ 5million from his revolutionary photo technology .

  20. 不要使用位元影像的方法(如磁带机)备份,因为这样会将病毒一起拷贝下来。

    Do not use a bit-image method of backup ( like a tape streamer ), because this will copy the virus .

  21. 你可以在玻璃里看到你的影像。

    You can see your reflection in the glass .

  22. 照片显出了明晰的影像。

    The photograph showed a distinct image .

  23. 这只栩栩如生的巨型“新宿猫”是MicroAdDigital公司制作的4K三维动态影像。

    The giant lifelike " Shinjuku cat " is a 4K 3D moving image created by MicroAd Digital .

  24. 探险队现在正在分析他们拍摄的影像。

    The expedition team are now analysing their footage .

  25. 说明:我们宏伟的银河系蜿蜒穿过这幅高企图心之全天影像

    Explanation : Our magnificent Milky Way Galaxy sprawls across this ambitious all-sky panorama .

  26. 影像包括火星全局环境感知图像、火星车车辙图像等。

    The images include the Martian landscape and the ruts left behind by the rover .

  27. 影像完整记录了火星进出视野、发动机点火后探测器轻微震动和探测器从火星白天飞入黑夜的过程,太阳翼、定向天线、火星大气层及表面形貌清晰可见。

    The video fully , Martian atmosphere , and surface morphology are visible in the video .

  28. 对患症人群而言不幸的是,网络上到处都是“蜂窝化”的人体影像处理。

    Unfortunately for sufferers of this phobia , the Internet has found much joy in photo shopping lotus-pod designs onto various body parts .

  29. 自1996年起,世界空气吉他锦标赛开始成为芬兰奥卢音乐影像节的一个部分。

    Since 1996 the annual Air Guitar World Championships have been a part of the Oulu Music Video Festival in Oulu , Finland .

  30. 至少从之前研究人员给出的一些解释来看,“周末效应”与医院医护人员人手更少、专家人数更少、一些影像检查及介入性治疗无法立即进行有关,而这些医疗资源在工作日时间均可尽快获得。

    At least some of the previous explanations from researchers for the “ weekend effect ” are related to lower staffing levels ( nurses ) , fewer available specialists , as well as lack of readily available imaging and so-called interventional-type services offered during a typical “ work ” day from 9-5 .