  • Peng;a surname
  • 姓。

  • 〔~~〕a.众多的样子,如“行人~~”;b.雄壮有力的样子,如“四牡~~”。


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 彭云

    Peng Yun

  1. 彭德古德把旅行拖车里的沙子铲了出来。

    Pendergood had shovelled the sand out of the caravan .

  2. 约翰会带你上楼,彭里先生。

    John will show you upstairs , Mr Penry

  3. 多亏了一些热心公益的市民,克里彭多夫花园才得以保留了下来。

    Thanks to a group of public-spirited citizens , the Krippendorf garden has been preserved .

  4. 彭伯里总是起着使人扫兴的作用。

    Penbury always had a chilling effect .

  5. 在这个城市,彭宁顿先生给本杰明创作油画的材料。

    In the city , Mr . Pennington gave Benjamin materials for creating oil paintings .

  6. 1747年,本杰明九岁的时候,彭宁顿先生又来拜访了。

    In 1747 , when Benjamin was nine years old , Mr . Pennington returned for another visit .

  7. 泰科戏剧制作有限公司利用彭博社3.5万美元的投资,在两年期间从公共和私营部门获得了近40万美元的支持。

    TeCo Theatrical Productions Inc . made use of Bloomberg 's investment of $ 35,000 to get nearly $ 400,000 in public and private sector support during the two-year period .

  8. 彭太太:"最近我们住酒店的时候,我的孩子们会看卧室窗外的鱼,他们从不感到无聊!"

    Mrs Peng : " When we were staying at the hotel recently , my children watched the fish outside their bedroom window.They were never bored ! "

  9. 迈克尔·布隆伯格:彭博公司首席执行官

    Michael Bloomberg : CEO , Bloomberg LP

  10. 早前,彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)报道过网络泄密问题。

    News about the online leak was reported earlier by Bloomberg News .

  11. RIM库存价值超过10亿美元,或再次减记(来源:彭博社)

    Rim writedown risked with $ 1 billion inventory [ Bloomberg ]

  12. 彭博社质疑Oracle到底要收购多少家管理软件供应商才能形成一个内聚的SOA管理故事。

    Bloomberg questioned how many management vendors Oracle must acquire before it has a coherent SOA management story .

  13. 彭博新闻社(BloombergNews)早些时候已就拟议中的查特公司收购时代华纳有线的交易条款进行过报道。

    News of the proposed terms of a Charter deal for Time Warner Cable were reported earlier by Bloomberg News .

  14. 在彭博工作了25年的温以乐将成为该机构的名誉主编(editorinchiefemeritus)。

    Mr. Winkler , who has worked for Bloomberg for 25 years , will become editor in chief emeritus .

  15. 在《彭博视点》(BloombergView)上刊登的一篇题为《非洲埃博拉应该是中国的问题》(Africa’sEbolaShouldBeChina’sProblem)的文章中,詹姆斯·吉布尼(JamesGibney)写道:

    In a piece for Bloomberg View titled " Africa 's Ebola Should Be China 's Problem , " James Gibney wrote :

  16. 蒂姆库克(timcook)对《彭博商业周刊》(bloombergbusinessweek)表示,苹果将投资逾1亿美元,让一小部分制造业务在2013年回流美国。

    Tim Cook told Bloomberg business week that Apple would invest more than $ 100m in reshoring a small portion of manufacturing in 2013 .

  17. 据彭博社报道,英国牛津大学的一项研究发现,维生素B群能够减缓老年人大脑萎缩,这项研究有助于对老年痴呆症进行更深入的研究。

    Bloomberg reports that Vitamin B can slow brain shrinkage in elderly people , according to a study by the University of Oxford that may facilitate further research into Alzheimer 's disease .

  18. 据彭博社报道:李维斯的CEO承认,该公司受到了穿着瑜伽裤的运动休闲潮流的威胁。

    Levi 's CEO has admitted that the company is threatened by the athleisure trend of wearing yoga pants , Bloomberg reports .

  19. 路易斯安那州彭宁顿生物医学研究中心的乔治·布雷(GeorgeBray)博士领导了这项新的研究。

    Dr. George Bray at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana led the new study .

  20. 彭博社指出,苹果公司(Apple)和博柏利公司(Burberry)这些企业过去都曾深陷国际商标争端。

    Bloomberg notes that other companies , such as Apple and Burberry , have faced international trademark disputes in the past .

  21. Groupon首席执行官安德鲁•梅森为保住饭碗而战《彭博商业周刊》

    Groupon CEO Andrew Mason fights to keep his job [ Bloomberg BusinessWeek ]

  22. 根据彭太平法组织病理学分级进行评分,经统计分析,针刀松解组和模型组评分有显著差异(p0.01)。

    Through statistics analysis , acupotomy group and model group has an extremely significant difference ( P0.01 ) according to Peng Tai-Ping histopathological classification .

  23. C带位于彭灌断裂与广元&大邑断裂之间,属变形构造地层带,主要由侏罗系至第三系红层构成。

    Zone C , lying between the Pengxian Guanxian fault ( F 3 ) and Guangyuan Dayi fault ( F 4 ), is a tectostratigraphic zone of deformation and consists mainly of Jurassic to Neogene strata .

  24. 彭博资讯(BloombergLP)旗下的创投基金BloombergBeta已经花了一年时间这么做了。

    Bloomberg Beta , the venture investment arm of Bloomberg LP , has been doing this for a year now .

  25. 在今年一月份接受彭博社采访时,搜狐的CEO王小川称,该公司着眼于一项规模达50亿美元的首次公开募股。

    In an earlier interview with Bloomberg in January , Sogou 's CEO Wang Xiaochuan said that the company was eyeing a $ 5 billion IPO .

  26. 据彭博社(Bloomberg)报道,此次交易将可能成为韩国企业在中国最大一宗收购案。

    The deal could be the biggest acquisition in China by a Korean company , according to Bloomberg .

  27. 2008年1月,彭博社(Bloomberg)调查的经济学家认为经济衰退的可能性为40%。

    In January of 2008 , economists surveyed by Bloomberg put the likelihood of a recession at 40 % .

  28. 这里是彭博社(Bloomberg),客户服务、创新与创意之家,一个电话录音声音说。

    This is Bloomberg , the home of customer service , innovation and creativity , said a recorded voice .

  29. 分析家BurtFlickinger在彭博电视台发表了讲话。

    Again , retail analyst Burt Flickinger , speaking on Bloomberg Television .

  30. 据彭博社报道,苹果已经开始着手其iPhone系列的下一个产品,预计下个月进行批量生产。

    According to a report from Bloomberg , Apple 's already started working on the next version of its iPhone , going into volume production next month .