
  • 网络management;Image Management
  1. 中国企业形象管理的误区及对策

    Incorrect Ideas about the Enterprise Image Management in China and Some Countermeasures

  2. 政府形象管理是树立政府形象的重要举措。

    It is an important project to strengthen the management strategies in the course of governmental image management .

  3. 城市形象管理中政府行为的比较研究

    The Comparison Research of Government Behavior in the Management of City Image

  4. 政府形象管理措施剖析

    On the Countermeasures to Manage the Governmental Image s

  5. 第4章阐述研究结论,提出对本土玩具企业品牌形象管理的启示。

    Chapter 4 presents the research conclusion and management revelation on the establishment of successful local brand image .

  6. 并始终坚持稳健经营,重视诚信理念及企业形象管理,为企业永续经营奠定根基。

    Moreover , we always insist stable operation and honor the responsibility and company image as our eternal managerial base .

  7. 在事务所公众形象管理中,重点讨论了管理手段&事务所内部控制管理和事务所文化建设。

    In the public image management , this paper discusses the management methods : the internal control management and culture building .

  8. 如何解决这一问题,笔者从实施政府公关,强化政府形象管理;

    How to solve this problem , I strengthen government 's image management from implementing the public relations of the government ;

  9. 公共关系作为一种管理功能被引入各行各业的管理领域,一种形象管理即无形资产管理的理念已广为人们所知。

    Public relations was increasingly viewed as a means to protect and promote , and was introduced into the management of various industries as a management function .

  10. 高校新校区过渡阅览室由大学生自主管理,高校馆采取文化管理、形象管理和协议管理的办法进行管理。

    Many new ways , such as culture management , images management and protocol management , have being used in the management of transitional reading-rooms in the new being-built college campuses .

  11. 与此同时,宜家的形象管理将宜家的设计政策传达给了市场与消费者,在公众中建立起宜家的良好企业形象。

    On the other hand , the CI management of IKEA transfers the design policy to the market and consumers , to build up a good image of IKEA in public .

  12. 结合相关企业成功的管理经验,探讨了在图书馆管理模式中应用形象管理、人本管理、知识管理的必要性和基本思路。

    Connecting with successful managerial experiences of relative enterprises , this paper probes into the necessity and basic ideas of applying the image management , humanistic management and knowledge management in library 's managerial model .

  13. 以往品牌形象管理的文献提出了许多维护与提升品牌形象方面的策略,包括品牌个性、品牌文化、广告宣传、公共关系、社会责任以及产品服务等等。

    Brand management literature in the past put forward a number of maintenance and enhancement of brand image strategies , including the brand personality , brand culture , advertising , public relations , social responsibility and product services .

  14. 并根据公共关系的性质和动机划分,以沟通管理、形象管理和关系管理的运作方式构筑企业战略传播运作模式。

    According to different natures and objectives of public relations , the modes of corporate strategic communication are divided into three perspectives , the management of communication , the management of image , and the management of relations .

  15. 我国的城市形象管理尚处于起步阶段,一些城市已有了可喜的成绩,但我国城市政府管理城市形象之路依然漫长艰辛。

    The management of the city image of our country is still in its infancy time , some cities have made gratifying achievements , but our city governments still on an endless and hard road in the management of city image .

  16. 而公共危机中的政府形象管理是一项系统工程,它不仅仅要依赖于常态政府治理模式下政府形象的构建与规划,还得益于危机管理过程中的有效应对。

    The public image of the government crisis management is a systematic , it is a difficult task . It not only depends on the image of the government building and planning under normal mode of governance , it will also benefit from an effective response during a crisis .

  17. 重点论述了10种管理方式,即知识管理、人力资本管理、经营管理、效率效益管理、新医疗质量内涵管理、模糊管理、信息管理、形象管理、人本管理和医院文化管理。

    The paper is focused on 10 ways of management , namely , knowledge management , human resources management , operational management , efficiency and benefit management , new medical quality content management , fuzzy management , information management , image management , humanistic management , and hospital culture management .

  18. 城市政府扮演着城市形象管理的主体和重要载体这双重角色,政府行为能引导城市形象的定位、保障城市形象优化的科学性方向和提高城市形象传播的有效性。

    City government plays dual roles as main part and important carrier of the management of city image . The government behavior can guide the conduct of position fixing of city image , guarantee the scientific direction of image optimization and exaltation the effectiveness of dissemination of the city image .

  19. 通过GIS,我们可以直观形象地管理和查询海量气象信息、分析处理地理空间数据、可视化模型的计算结果。

    Through the visual image of GIS , we can manage and query processing , mass meteorological information visualization model of spatial data , the computational results .

  20. 基于市场调查的重庆旅游形象后期管理研究

    A Market Investigation-Based Study of the Dynamic Management of Chongqing Tourism Image

  21. 树立良好形象提高管理效能

    Establish a Good Image and Improve the Management Efficiency

  22. 的个性化时代,管理衣帽间是其形象的管理。

    The era of personalization , management cloakroom is in the management of its image .

  23. 城管自身方面要形成形象危机管理,处理好城管组织与大众媒体的关系。

    The inspector has to form the image of their own crisis management to handle the relationship with mass media .

  24. 高等院校形象识别管理系统初论浅谈形象识别在高校管理中的作用及校园文化建设

    Management System for Image Identification in Colleges and Universities The function of image identification in higher education management and campus culture development

  25. 品牌质量管理包括产品内在质量管理、外在设计形象质量管理、服务质量管理和费者对产品的主观感受。

    Brand quality management includes internal quality management of products and external image design management , service quality management and subjective feeling of consumers toward the products .

  26. 尽可能的找资料,包括产品、规模、收入、声誉、形象、管理才能,人员,技能,历史以及哲学。

    Find out as much as you can , including products , size , income , reputation , image , management talent , people , skills , history and philosophy .

  27. 根据国内外先进商业企业的成功经验,我国商业企业核心竞争力构建要素是企业经营规模、服务品牌形象、管理能力和人力资源。

    From experience of the successful businesses home and abroad it is learned that the basic elements of China 's businesses are scope of business , corporate image , management and human resources .

  28. 记者在迪克•格拉索不够体面的离职之后,纽约证券交易所指望花旗集团前董事长约翰•里德能重建纽交所的形象和管理部门。

    CORRESPONDENT The New York Stock Exchange is banking on former Citicorp chairman John Reed to rebuild the Big Board 's image and front office following Dick Grasso 's less than graceful departure .

  29. 系统的应用从很大程度上减轻了教务管理人员的日常工作量,提高了日常办公效率,提升了学院(系)的形象和管理水平,具有一定的实用价值。

    The application of this system will significantly reduce the staffs ' workload , improve the office efficiency , upgrade the image and management level of college ( department ), and add value in practice .

  30. 但市场经济的发展使农用车行业竞争激烈,这种竞争不仅是技术和质量的竞争,更是企业的观念,形象,管理,服务等全方位的竞争。

    Now the competition is intensive between the agrimotor companies . The competition is not only the competition of technology and quality but also the comprehensive competition of idea , popular image , corporation culture , management and service of the enterprise .