
  • 网络Causae Formalis;causa formalis;The formal cause
  1. 在GMAW-P焊中,一脉一滴过渡形式因其焊接质量好得到了大家的普遍接受。

    One droplet per pulse transfer in GMAW - P is the most favorable transfer mode because of its high welding quality .

  2. 闽南话持续体标记的语音形式因地而异,实为该介词短语虚化程度各地有别的表现。

    It is the different degrees of grammaticalization that produce the different phonetic forms of the marker in places .

  3. 结果表明,湛江港发生的增水极值时间和增水形式因热带气旋登陆地点和路径的不同而异。

    The result shows that the peak-value time and the pattern of the surge at Zhanjiang Harbor vary with the different landing locations and paths of tropical cyclones .

  4. 何谓对这类事物究根问底,探求真理?就是把事物分为质料和形式因。

    What is the investigation into the truth in this matter ? The division into that which is material and that which is the cause of form , the formal .

  5. 这些艺术形式因其独特的民族特点、地域特点以及审美特征,形成了风格鲜明、特征迥异、代表本地区文化传统的偶像艺术形式。

    These art form because of its unique national and regional characteristics , aesthetic characteristics and the formation of a unique style , features disparate , to represent the region culture idol art form .

  6. 文学形式因适应作家表达的需要而出现了相应的转变,就小说而言,与旧小说相比五四小说在叙事时间、叙事角度及叙事结构上发生了转变。

    Literature form varies according to the express needs of writers , as far as the novel is concerned , compared with the old novel , May 4th novel has changed on narrative time , view and structure .

  7. 诉讼案由发生超过一年后,被许可人或LEFANS不得以任何形式提起因本协议的任何诉讼。

    No action , regardless of form , arising out of this Agreement may be brought by Licensee or LE Fans more than one year after the cause of the action has arisen .

  8. 这种形式可以因你潜意识的完好的、详细的记忆而活动起来。

    This shell can be animated by the perfect , detailed memory of your subconscious .

  9. 所有权形式会因经济环境而变化;

    Owning right varying with environment changing ;

  10. 它只是偿还的另一种形式,因债务人无法偿还合同债务。

    It is merely an alternative form of repayment by the debtor for the debt he contracted .

  11. 有小麦制成的食品,它所能具有的形式也因各地文明化程度的不同而有很大差异。

    Depending on the degree of culture achieved , the form given to the food prepared from wheat also varies greatly .

  12. 贿赂作为一种主要的腐败形式,因其普遍性与严重的社会危害性而受到高度重视。

    Bribery , as a major form of corruption , has been given high priority for its universality and serious social harm .

  13. 无论是单个水分子还是以水分子簇的形式都因生成氢键而降低体系能量。

    Whether it is a single water molecules or clusters of water molecules can generate hydrogen bonds reducing the energy of the system .

  14. 双关,一种集幽默与智慧于一身的语言表达形式,因其独特的语言魅力而倍受广告商的青睐。

    Punning , a concise way to express humor and wit , is particularly favored by advertisers to enhance the appeal of language .

  15. 虎头鞋是我国民间流传典型的一种童鞋样式,其形式特点因各地区不同的审美、习俗等而迥异,但其中蕴含的虎文化是相通的。

    Though their form or characteristics differed in every area because of dissimilarity aesthetic standards , custom etc , but the tiger culture is interlinked .

  16. 农业旅游是我国新兴的专项旅游形式,因其具有诸多的优越性,越来越受到旅游者的青睐。

    Agricultural tourism , a newly-emerged form of Chinese tourism , has been arousing more and more interest in many cities with its unparalleled advantages compared with conventional tourism .

  17. 数码交互艺术是一门随着计算机技术的发展而兴起的艺术形式,因其年轻,在艺术领域中尚不算主流甚至被视为异类。

    Digital art is an art form with the rise of the interactive computer technology , but it is not yet in the mainstream of art even as foreigners .

  18. 剪切波状液膜作为一种重要的液膜流动形式,因受界面剪切力的影响,其水动力学特性和流动稳定特征与自由降膜流动明显不同。

    The sheared wavy liquid films , as an important flow , have notably different hydrodynamics and flow stability under interfacial shear stress from those of free falling liquid films .

  19. 网架结构是一种较好的大跨度屋盖结构形式,因其诸多优点而被广泛应用于各种建筑中。

    Space grid structure is a sort of preferable roof type for long span buildings . As a popular form of steel structures , it is widely used in various buildings .

  20. 会展旅游是当前一种热门的旅游形式,因其巨大的经济效益和社会效益而被称为旅游皇冠上的宝石,具有良好的发展前景。

    MICE tourism , one of the hot tourism models , having great economic and social potentials and favorite development prospects , is called " gem on the imperial crown " .

  21. 会展旅游是当前一种新兴旅游形式,因其巨大的经济效益和社会效益日益成为旅游开发和学术研究热点。

    MICE tourism , one of the emerging tourism types , it has become a spotlight of tourism development and tourism academic research , because of its huge economic and social benefits .

  22. 善因营销是企业履行社会责任的重要战略形式,因兼顾企业、消费者、非营利组织、社会等多方利益而广受关注。

    Cause-related marketing ( CRM ), as an important strategy , has been paid widely attention just for enterprises , non-profit organizations ( NPOs ), consumers and other social members involved can benefit from it .

  23. 孟姜女故事作为我国最为流行的民间传说之一,其源远流长、众说纷纭,而其流传的形式也是因地而异、因时而变。

    As the most popular folklore of our country , the story of Meng Jiangnv has a long history and with diverse views , and the spread formats also vary from place to place , change from time to time .

  24. 竞技武术套路作为新中国成立后逐步发展并确定的套路运动形式,因其内容规范、规则明晰,在武术运动的发展中起到了示范与导向的作用。

    Competitive wushu routines , as a form of routines which was gradually developed after the founding of New China , have played demonstrate and leading role in the development of the martial arts because of its standard content and clear rules .

  25. 运用法律形式调整因保护、建设、管理自然保护区涉及的社会关系,以更好地履行国际公约的义务,对进一步推动上海国际大都市生态环境保护具有重要意义。

    Using legal form to adjust social relations involving protection , construction , management of the nature reserve , which will better fulfill its obligations of international convention , is significant to further promote ecological environmental protection for the international metropolis Shanghai .

  26. 冰灯是流传于中国北方的一种古老民间艺术形式,因其独特的自然优势、时令优势和地域优势,黑龙江可以说是制作冰灯最早的地方。

    Ice lantern , as a popular form of folk art in North China , has a very long history . Because of its unique seasonal and geographical advantages as well as distinctive natural resources , Heilongjiang can be said to be the first place to make ice lanterns .

  27. 作为一种艺术形式,电影因其独特的魅力而广受欢迎。

    As an art form , films are widely accepted out of its special glamour .

  28. 称呼形式因人、因事、因时、因地不同而有着意义上的差别,具有丰富的内涵。

    Rich in connotation , a form of address varies in meaning when applied in different circumstances .

  29. 但历史教育的形式却因时因地而异。

    But the forms of history education vary greatly because of the particularities of the states and nations .

  30. 马蹄形过水断面是无压输水隧洞中常采用的断面形式之一,因其几何形状复杂,水力计算困难。

    It is difficult to calculate normal water depth of horseshoe cross section , because its complex geometrical shape .