
  • 网络formal synthesis
  1. (±)-Mesembrine的形式合成

    Formal synthesis of (±) - mesembrine

  2. 本论文主要围绕吗啡生物碱的合成研究,通过若干合成策略的设计,对一些新颖的合成方法进行了目标导向的合成应用探讨,为此类生物碱的形式合成研究提供了不同的途径。

    This dissertation mainly aims at the design and development of some strategies in the synthetic studies of morphine . Focusing on this issue , the target-oriented methodology was investigated , providing the alternative way to the formal synthesis of morphine .

  3. Caspase-3是半胱氨酸蛋白酶家族的成员,以前体的形式合成,处于细胞凋亡途径的中心地位;

    Caspase-3 is a member of cysteine proteases family that is synthesized by pro-Caspase-3 , and is located in the center of cell apoptosis path .

  4. 映射的合成可以根据不同的情况,选择实质合成还是形式合成。

    Mappings can be composed under different circumstances , by real composition or virtual composition .

  5. 在体内,许多蛋白质,如很多胞外蛋白酶、某些多肽激素等都以含前导肽的前体形式合成。

    Many proteins , including most extra-cellular proteases and some hormones , are synthesized as precursors with pro regions in vivo .

  6. 这项研究将利用基因工程的一种高级形式&合成生物学,而它之所以受到关注,不只是因为目标大胆,还因为它的实施方式。

    The project , which will use a sophisticated form of genetic engineering called synthetic biology , is attracting attention not only for its audacious goal , but for how it is being carried out .

  7. 由项目管理部门负责组织在项目的进程中各专业部门的经验教训进行了总结,并以书面形式提交,合成和共享,避免重复错误。

    Responsible for organizing the project management experience in the course of the project responsible for the professional sector and lessons learned are summarized , and submitted in writing , synthesis and sharing , avoid duplication of mistakes .

  8. 实验结果表明合成工艺条件对硅钾肥的结晶性能及显微结构没有显著影响,含钾化合物均以非结晶相的形式存在,合成硅钾肥具有较为明显的缓释性能和侵蚀性能。

    The experiment results showed that the synthesize conditions had no obvious influence on the crystal performance and microcosmic structure of the silicon-potassium fertilizer . All of the chemicals which include K in the fertilizer were existed in non-crystal state .

  9. 基于高速电视文件存储结构,利用VC++对磁盘文件的操作功能,将来自高速电视和跟踪转台的不同形式运动信息合成;

    The paper was based on high-speed video ′ s file memory structure and then introduced a method about how to use VC + + ′ s operating functions on disk files to make different real-time information came from high-speed video and track flat roof into one file .

  10. 语音合成是计算机多媒体技术的应用之一,简要总结了用Visualc++语音以软件形式实现计算机语音合成的几种常用方法。

    Voice synthesis is one of the computer multimedia application . This paper summarizes several methods of computer voice synthesis in Visual C + + .

  11. 给出了合成Petri网的形式描述&网合成表达式;

    The format describing of compose petri net ( compose expression of petri net ) is given ;

  12. DDS是把一系列数字量形式的信号通过D/A转换形成模拟量形式的信号的合成技术。

    DDS is a method that can transform the digitized signals into analog signals by means of DAC .