
  1. 《医学衷中参西录》制方规律研究

    Rules in Prescriptions of Intergrating chinese and western medicine

  2. 分录的借记方将已使用了的成本部分分配到费用账户。

    The debit portion of the entry allocates this expired cost to expense .

  3. 方法对代表著作《医学衷中参西录》自拟方进行总结分析,探讨其制方规律。

    Methods Analysis and conclusion were made on prescriptions in Intergratlng Chinese and Western Mediclne to find its rules .

  4. 《伤寒论》的结构统称为‘三百九十七条’,除重复之外载录‘一百一十二方’。

    The structure of the Treatise on Cold Damage is commonly called'three-hundred and ninety-seven lines'with a total of'one hundred and twelve'formulas without repetition .

  5. 分录的贷记方将预计在当年消费了的那部分资产的成本从资产负债表中消除。

    The credit portion of the entry removes from the balance sheet that portion of the asset 's cost estimated to have been used up during the current period .