
lù qǔ lǜ
  • Acceptance Rate;enrollment rate/percentage
  1. 这封由《南华早报》(SouthChinaMorningPost)最先报道的公开信显示,2013年北京大学在河南的高考录取率为1/8900,在北京的录取率则为1/325。

    According to the letter , reported by the South China Morning Post , Peking accepted one out of every 8900 Henan applicants in 2013 , compared with one out of every 325 from Beijing .

  2. 论述了测算RCS的原理、数据录取率的估算、板卡的硬件实现以及上位机的软件开发等内容。

    The RCS computation principles , the data amount estimation , the hardware realization and the relative software development are included in this paper .

  3. 在我们越来越重视身份地位的社会,学校如果比较难进,录取率如果偏低,它就越发声名鹊起,这甚至可以影响它们在《美国新闻与世界报道》(U.S.News&WorldReport)中的排名。

    In our increasingly status-oriented society , a school 's reputation is bolstered by its glimmer of exclusivity and by a low acceptance rate , which can even influence how U.S. News & World Report ranks it .

  4. 宾夕法尼亚大学(UniversityofPennsylvania)宣布,今年的申请人数较去年增加11%,录取率将从去年的17%降至约14%。

    The University of Pennsylvania said applications rose 11 per cent over last year . The acceptance rate would be about 14 per cent – down from 17 per cent last year .

  5. 耶鲁大学的录取率为6.3%,而不在传统常春藤大学之列的斯坦福大学(Stanford)的录取率为4.7%。

    Yale 's acceptance rate stands at 6.3 per cent and Stanford , which is outside the traditional Ivy League grouping of prestigious colleges , accepts only 4.7 per cent .

  6. •得分:92.0•GMAT平均分:714•录取率:13.9%(估算)•2013年平均基本工资:115000美元

    • index : 92.0 • average GMAT : 714 • acceptance rate : 13.9 % ( estimate ) • 2013 median base salary : $ 115,000

  7. 华坪女子中学之所以闻名,不仅是因为它是全国第一所不收学费的女子公立高中,还因为它的高大学录取率。华坪女子高中的口号-中英文版n.小溪n.山峰adj.琐碎的;小气的n.懦夫prep.在……之下

    The Huaping High School for Girls is well-known not only because it is the first girls ' public high school in the nation that does not charge tuition fees , but also for its high university admission rate .

  8. 而中国网民更青睐另一所美国的学校,这所学校不仅免费入学,而且录取率堪比哈佛大学(Harvard),再加上不同寻常的教学方式,都使这所学校看上去魔力四射。

    In the meantime , Chinese Internet users are lavishing their affections on another school , one in the U.S. that 's free and whose acceptance rates rival Harvard 's -- which , coupled with an unusual pedagogy , they see as having its own kind of magic .

  9. 有关这所牛仔式学校及其不同寻常的教学手法的新闻让中国网民们浮想联翩。深泉学院的录取率最低时只有6%,被该校录取的难度堪比考取哈佛大学(Harvard)。

    News of the ' cowboy college ' and its unusual pedagogy quickly captured the imagination of the Chinese Internet , as did its acceptance rate , which occasionally dips as low as 6 % , making it approximately as hard to get into as Harvard in some years .

  10. 去年这所学校的录取率不到百分之六。

    Last year 's acceptance rate was less than six percent .

  11. 普林斯顿大学提供8.18%的录取率,加强。

    Princeton Makes Offers To8.18 Percent Of Applicants , Strengthens Aid .

  12. 影响在校体育专业学生考研录取率的因素

    A Study of the Factors Affecting the Post-graduate Enrollment Rate

  13. 而实际录取率又低于此。

    Actual enrollment rate was lower than the one .

  14. 录取率:13.9%(估算)

    Acceptance rate : 13.9 % ( estimate )

  15. 间隔年可能会降低你的录取率

    A gap year can harm your admissions chances

  16. 录取率低的部分原因在于外国申请者数量大幅增加。

    The low acceptance rates are partially explained by the significant rise in international applications .

  17. 大学录取率低的另外一个原因是,学生申请学校的数量多于往年。

    Another reason is that students are applying to more schools than in the past .

  18. 录取率由2007-08学年的57%上升至2010-11学年的59%。

    Enrolment rose from 57 % in the 2007-08 academic year to 59 % in 2010-11 .

  19. 该校连续两年成为全美本科生录取率最低的大学;

    Stanford has had the nation 's lowest undergraduate acceptance rate for two years in a row ;

  20. 对中招体育考试若干问题的研究影响在校体育专业学生考研录取率的因素

    Physical Education Test of Senior Middle School Enrollment A Study of the Factors Affecting the Post-graduate Enrollment Rate

  21. 根据教育部数据显示,今年的高考平均录取率是72.3%。

    According to the Ministry of Education , this year 's average college enrollment rate will be72.3 percent .

  22. 实际上,从2008年起就一直存在参考人数下降、录取率上升的情况。

    This drop in exam participants and the rising of the admission rate have been trends since 2008 .

  23. 该计划已经成功招募了大量的申请者,录取率接近100%。

    The programme has successfully recruited a large number of applicants , with acceptance rates close to100 % .

  24. 哈佛大学的录取率已经降至6.2%,耶鲁大学和普林斯顿也高不出多少。

    Harvard 's admission rate has dipped to 6.2 percent , and Yale and Princeton aren 't far behind .

  25. 申请人数的增加使它有条件挑剔,而它今年最终录取率仅有21%。

    The increased volume allowed the school to be quite selective , admitting only 21 % of its applicant pool .

  26. 在江苏省,2015年报名参加高考的人数达到了39万,录取率则是89%。

    In Jiangsu , 390000 students registered to take the gaokao in 2015 , with a pass rate of 89 percent .

  27. 今年女考生的录取率是2.9%,而男考生的录取率是8.8%。

    The percentage of female applicants who were accepted this year was 2.9 % , compared with 8.8 % of male applicants .

  28. 哈佛大学今年的新生录取率为5.2%,是该校建校近400年来筛选最严苛的一次。

    Harvard accepted 5.2 percent of applicants this year , making this admissions cycle the most selective in its nearly four-century history .

  29. 会试录取率,自洪武至万历中平均为8.6%;

    The average enrollment rate of the Hui-shi was 8.6 , from the period of the Hong-Wu to the middle of the Wan-li ;

  30. 统计数据显示,艺考的本科录取率,已经低于普文普理的本科录取率。2、经济原因。

    Statistics show that the test of the Arts undergraduate admission rate has been lower than undergraduate admission rate . 2 . economic reasons .