
  • 网络Equivalent dose;dose equivalent
  1. 介绍了X-CT辐射X线强度、吸收剂量、当量剂量、X线与人体的相互作用、X线哀减剂量测量的理论依据及有关公式推导计算测量。

    This paper introduces X-ray intensity , absorbed dose , equivalent dose of X - CT radiation and the interaction between X-ray and human body . The theory and formulas related to the measurement of X-CT radiation dose are also involved in .

  2. 核设施流出物照射人体器官的当量剂量和有效剂量的计算

    Organ equivalent dose and effective dose to human body irradiated by effluents of nuclear

  3. 计算了辐照腔中的快中子(E≥0.1MeV)注量和辐照腔屏蔽外表面处的当量剂量率,理论计算与实测值比较表明,二者符合很好。

    The Neutron fluence ( E ≥ 0.1MeV ) in irradiation cavity and the dose equivalent rate on outer surface of shield for irradiation cavity are calculated . Comparing the measured value with theoretical , the results are conform .

  4. 当量剂量和有效剂量

    Equivalent dose and effective dose

  5. 为计算摄入放射性物质对膀胱壁产生的当量剂量,需要放射性物质经肾膀胱排泄的剂量学模型。

    Consequently a model for kidney bladder excretion is needed to calculate the additional equivalent dose to bladder wall from activity in urine .

  6. 它的主要功能有:第一,估算中子器官当量剂量和中子有效剂量等辐射防护量,并能对多种(最多3种)中子同时作用产生的中子器官当量剂量或中子有效剂量作简单算术相加。

    It has four main functions . First , it can be used for neutron organ equivalent dose and neutron effective dose estimation .

  7. 估算出1972年8月太阳质子事件的皮肤当量剂量为9256cSv,与文献值9350cSv相近,验证了算法的可行性。

    The results for the skin equivalent dose for the Aug.1972 solar particle event is 9 256 cSv which agrees well with the accepted value of 9 350 cSv in other references .

  8. GB/T13161-1991直读式个人X和γ辐射剂量当量和剂量当量率监测仪

    " Direct reading , personal dose equivalent and / or dose equivalent rate monitors for X and gamma radiation "

  9. Am-Be中子源辐射场周围剂量当量与吸收剂量的计算

    Calculations of Dose and Ambient Dose Equivalent in Radiation Field for Am-Be Neutron Source

  10. 论及了因不同类型建筑材料及建筑物所引起的射线辐照致人体有效剂量当量及附加剂量当量的估算结果。

    Furthermore , it came to the conclusion that the assessment of effective and additional dose equivalent of radiation on human bodies varied with various buildings and building materials .

  11. 有效剂量当量在医疗照射剂量评价中的应用

    Application of effective dose equivalent in medical exposure dose assessment

  12. 周围剂量当量计和定向剂量当量计的实验研究

    Ambient dose equivalent and directional dose equivalent instruments

  13. 后二种型号料位计对维修人员年最大接受剂量当量,只有国家剂量限值的1/2~1/3。

    The biggest dose equivalent that maintenance workers accepted per year is only equal to 1 / 2 ~ 1 / 3 of the dose limit value which state stipulated .