
  • 网络Contemporary Law Review
  1. 中国当代法学教育的两极化构想

    Hypothesis of Polarizing the current Law Education System in China

  2. 这是当代法学中活跃且富有争议的新问题。

    This has been a hot and controversial legal issue in these years .

  3. 在法制现代化过程中,如何对待传统法律文化,是当代法学工作者面临的重要课题。

    While legal system is modernized , how to treat traditional legal culture , it is the important subject that the contemporary law science worker faces .

  4. 那么,法律怎样才能更好地满足商事交易中的信用需求,促进商事信用关系的形成?这应该是当代法学界共同思考的主题。

    Then , how the law could better meet the credit demand in trading affairs and promote the forming of credit relationship in commercial affairs should be what the contemporary law circles think together .

  5. 究竟如何进行规制才能够使人体基因科技的良性发展与保障公民基本权利之间保持一种动态平衡?这已经成为当代法学面临的重要课题之一。

    How to , by means of regulation , keep dynamic balance between the healthy development of HGT and the basic constitutional right of citizen ? It is a very important subject for modern legal system .

  6. 保障女性财产继承的合法权益,提高女性的整体地位,不仅是当代法学研究中的重要课题,而且是现阶段建设和谐社会所面临的一个社会问题。

    To Protect the right of female property inheritance and improve the overall status of women is not only the one of the important topics of contemporary jurisprudence study , but a social problem in building a harmonious society course .

  7. 本文旨在讨论容隐制度的历史及其现代意义,一方面是对中国本土法治资源的整理,另一方面也是对当代法学思潮的回应。

    The present study aims to discuss the history and its modern significance of Concealment System . On the one hand , from the arrangement of the local resources of the rule of law in China ; on the other hand , from the response of contemporary jurisprudence thought .

  8. 当代生命法学:推动科技与伦理和谐互动的杠杆

    Current Bioethics Law : the Lever that Moves Technology and Ethics in Synchronization

  9. 当代西方法学的综合趋势

    The Comprehensive Trend of Contemporary Western Jurisprudence

  10. 原则与参数理论的科学论述&《当代句法学导论》评介

    Scientific elaboration on theory of principle and parameter & Commentary on Introduction to Contemporary syntax

  11. 其次,提出了法律实习这一新的概念,给予了当代高等法学教育实践课程一个新的内涵,深入分析了法学教育这一专业设置法律实习的必要性与现实性。

    Secondly , it analyses the necessity and reality of setting the Law Practice in the profession of legal education .

  12. 文章从不同的视角观察审视了我国法理学的发展,从其主题变奏的十五个方面,比较全面地勾勒了当代中国法学发展的基本面貌。

    The author draws comprehensively the basic picture of contemporary Chinese legal science development by describing the15 changing topics of Chinese jurisprudence .

  13. 在中国社会现代化的大背景下,伴随着特定政治社会化的演进,当代中国法学教育现代化呈现出了明显的阶段性特征。

    With the social modernization and the development of the political socialization , contemporary China 's law education has taken on periodic features .

  14. 当代中国法学研究的一个重大弱点是缺乏社会科学指导的研究,缺少经验的研究。

    One of the major weaknesses of the contemporary Chinese Law Research is its lack of guidance from social science and its lack of empirical research .

  15. 法学教育是一门实践性较强的学科,但是当代中国法学教育不能适应社会需求,存在许多亟待改革的问题。

    Law education is a quite practical discipline , but the contemporary law education of China can not meet the social needs , in which many existing problems require reform .

  16. 当代中国法学界有部分学者运用社会学方法研究权利乃至法治等问题,开辟出了一条权利研究的社会理论进路。

    Some scholars in contemporary Chinese legal circles began to look at the rule of law and rights issues from a sociological perspective , and open up an approach of sociological theory on the rights research .

  17. 《中华人民共和国行政强制法(草案)》吸收了当代行政法学的理论研究成果,将比例原则引入法律,并突出程序在行政强制法中的作用,但尚有不足。

    Though the Act of Administrative Enforcement ( Draft ) has absorbed the theory of modern administrative jurisprudence , introduced the Proportion Principle into the law and stressed the function of procedure , it still needed to improve .

  18. 中国法制现代化进程自清末启动之初,就受到分析实证主义法学的深刻影响,但在70年代末以来的当代中国法学研究中,法律实证主义已严重畸变。

    Ever since the late Qing Dynasty , legal modernization in China has been influenced immensely by analytical positivist jurisprudence . However , there have been serious changes in legal positivism in contemporary legal research since the late 1970s .

  19. 当代中国特色法学本科教育模式研究

    Research on Contemporary Undergraduate Model of Legal Education in China

  20. 当代中国宪法学研究述评

    Review of the Studies on Contemporary Chinese Constitutional Jurisprudence

  21. 主张通过对传统法学基本理念的扩大、深入和重新解释,将当代环境资源法学的一些重要观念纳入到传统法学基本理念之中。

    It brought some important ideas of contemporary environment and resources law into the basic idea of traditional legal science through the enlargement , deepening and reexplain of the traditional basic idea of legal science .

  22. 当代中国宪法学研究走过了50多年的发展历程,从苏联宪法学研究模式转向对西方宪法学的引进与介绍,并对近代中国宪法和宪法学也进行了反思。

    In the more than 50 years ' history , contemporary Chinese constitutional jurisprudence has turned away from Soviet constitutional jurisprudence mode to the introduction of western constitutional jurisprudence and reflection on modern Chinese constitution and constitutional jurisprudence .

  23. 罗斯科??庞德是当代美国社会学法学的主要代表人物,20世纪西方最具影响力的法学家之一。

    Roscoe Pound is one of the main representatives of contemporary American sociological law , and is one of the most influential jurists in the 20th Century .

  24. 作为其基础的理性主义、法律价值和人文精神对当代法律制度渗透浓重,对当代中国的法学研究和法制建设大有裨益。

    As the rationalism of its foundation , the legal value and the humanities spirit are strong to the legal regime seepage of the present age , and of great help to the legal research and the legislative work of contemporary China .

  25. 行政指导作为当代新型行政管理的一种柔性监管方式,国内外学者对其基本理论范畴不断深入探讨,成为当代行政法学的一个重要研究对象。

    Administrative guidance to the administration as a contemporary new flexible forms of regulation , the basic theory of domestic and foreign scholars on their areas of constant depth , become an important administrative law study .