
  1. 科学家与国际政治当代国际政治中的大众传媒因素析论

    The Analysis of Mass Media Element in the Contemporary International Politics

  2. 论当代国际政治经济秩序的交融与互动

    On Blending and Inter-dynamism of International Political and Economic Orders Today

  3. 上海合作组织的成立是当代国际政治生活中的一个重要事件。

    The creation of SCO is an important incident in present international political life .

  4. 这是冷战后国际政治的大事,必将对当代国际政治产生重大的影响。

    This is the post-Cold War international political event of the contemporary international political will have a major impact .

  5. 环境问题与经济贸易的关系在当代国际政治、经济中地位日益突出。

    The relationship of environmental and the economic and trade in contemporary international politics , comes to the prominent position .

  6. 欧盟作为独特的区域性一体化组织的不断成功与发展,使之在当代国际政治经济关系中的作用迅速增强。

    European Union , as a specific regional organization , plays much greater role in the international political and economical relationship .

  7. 环境政治促使国际政治格局发生重构,环境议题拓宽了当代国际政治的作用空间;

    The environmental politics has promoted the reconstruction of the international political pattern , broadening the space for the international politics .

  8. 它对当代国际政治关系具有重要的指导意义,也为当代中国的对外政策提供了可资借鉴之处。

    It provides important guides to contemporary international political relations as well as instructive lessons to current foreign policies of China .

  9. 这种新形式的国际博弈与合作已经成为当代国际政治领域一个崭新的也是极为重要的现象。

    This new form of international game and cooperation has become the brand-new and vital phenomenon in the field of the International Politics .

  10. 霸权稳定论、相互依存论和世界体系论是代表当代国际政治经济学的主要理论。

    Theory of Hegemonic Stability , Theory of Interdependence and Theory of Global Systemization are the key theories representing contemporary international political economy .

  11. 如何正确认识和把握冷战后国际关系的时代特点,是当代国际政治中一个十分重要的问题。

    How we should correctly understand and handle the features of the international relations after the cold war is a very important issue in the contemporary international polities .

  12. 从一定意义上讲,当代国际政治与国际关系的历史可以称为美国谋求世界霸权并推行霸权主义的历史。

    Speak from the certain meaning , and the contemporary and international politics and international relations can call the United States to seek the world hegemony and promote the hegemonic history .

  13. 全球技术的飞跃进步和技术发展与应用的差距也成为影响当代国际政治经济安全秩序的重要条件。

    The rapid progress of global technology and the gaps of development and use of technology have also been the important conditions that influence the present international , political and economic safety orders .

  14. 总而言之,冷战后美国对外军事行动的开展与它的全球战略、当代国际政治大环境和美国作为超级大国的现实需求都密不可分。

    All in all , after the Cold War , all the American military operations are closely related to its global strategies , contemporary international environment and actual demands as the only superpower .

  15. 本文试对西方七国首脑会议的起源与发展进行梳理,探讨西方七国首脑会议与当代国际政治经济格局的互动,从中得出对西方七国首脑会议作用的认识。

    This dissertation discusses the origins and development of the seven-power summit and explores the interaction between it and the contemporary international political economic pattern , from which we can get across the impact of it .

  16. 他的十多种学术著作大多探讨了当代国际政治和国际关系等领域的重大理论问题,在学术界影响颇大。

    About ten kinds of academics works of his mostly inquire into the theoretical questions of such fields as contemporary international politics , international relations , etc. And it has great influence in the academic circles .

  17. 由于中东地区特殊的地缘战略位置,丰富的自然资源和独特的历史文化传统,再加上这地区在当代国际政治中的重要影响,中东在中国的对外关系中一直处于一种特殊地位。

    The Middle East has been being placed in a kind of special position in Chinese foreign relation for its special geopolitical position , the abundant natural resources , unique historical , cultural tradition and important influence on contemporary international politics .

  18. 当代国际政治经济的发展将跨国公司的地位、功能和影响问题的研究提到了一个前所未有的高度。其中,对于跨国公司行为问题的研究又被置于相当突出的地位。

    The development of Politics and Economy of Contemporary World has put the study of status , functions and influences of transnational companies to an unprecedented high level , among which , the study of transnational companies conduct is also under very prominent position .

  19. 本文主要分析和总结了罗斯福政府在1933至1938年对德政策的特点及形成这一特点的原因,目的在于从这一政策的成败得失中汲取些许经验与教训,以为当代国际政治之鉴。

    This thesis tries to summarize the features of America 's Germany policy during the period from 1933 to 1938 as well as the causes of these features . Through these , we can draw some good lessons and useful experiences for present-day international politics .

  20. 基于对历史、法理和当代国际政治的认知,强调了以下事实:台湾自古以来就是中国的领土,台湾问题完全是中国的内政,一个中国原则不容歪曲和篡改。

    Basing on the recognition of history , jurisprudence and the current international politics , the author emphasizes the truth : Taiwan is Chinese territory from the ancient , Taiwan problem is Chinese interior entirely , the principle of only one China must not be allowed to misrepresent .

  21. 由于中东国家所处的特殊的地缘战略位置,丰富的自然资源和独特的历史文化传统,该地区在当代国际政治格局中一直占有重要的地位,是世界各大国角逐的主要场所。

    The Middle East occupies a special strategic position , and this is a place rich in natural resources and unique historical and cultural traditions . Therefore this area plays an important part in international relation and this is a main area in which the powers contend with each others .

  22. 当代西方国际政治理论的三大流派现实主义、自由主义和建构主义都提出了各自关于国际危机管理的模式。

    As three main genres of modern western international politics theory , Realism , Liberalism and Constructivism put out different connotations of international crises management .

  23. 当代,国际政治经济格局发生了深刻变化,国内的改革开放和现代化建设步入了一个新的发展阶段。

    Contemporary , the deep change has taken place in the international political and economic pattern , the practice of domestic reform , opening up to the outside world and the modernization construction has stepped into a new developing stage .

  24. 巴里·布赞是当代著名的国际政治学者,他在地区安全、霸权理论、世界历史以及英国学派等国际政治领域的学术成就为他赢得了国际声誉。

    Barry Buzan is a famous International Politics scholar in the contemporary era . He wins his reputation all over the world by his achievements in Regional Security , Polarity Theory , World History and English School of International Relations .

  25. 作为国际政治的一个新兴领域,南极政治和当代国际秩序有着紧密的联系,与当代国际政治中的其他行为体也发生联系,产生互动。

    The relationship between the Antarctic politics and the contemporary international order are very close . The Antarctic politics often contact and interact with the actors of international politics .