
  • 网络compulsive position;compulsion position;forced position;retentiveposturing
  1. 强迫体位所致肌肉损伤的生物标志物的动物实验研究

    Study on biomarkers of muscle damage induced by constrained body posture

  2. 强迫体位引起骨骼肌线粒体超微结构变化的形态计量学研究

    A study of morphometry on the ultrastructure of mitochondria of skeletal muscle in strained posture

  3. 结果97例鼠疫疑似病例中确诊为腺鼠疫34例,表现为高热、烦躁,强迫体位的典型腺鼠疫表现占32.3%,不典型病例为67.7%。

    Results There were 34 cases of bubonic plague in 97 suspected cases , patients with plague suffered from hyperpyrexia and dysthesia .

  4. 结论舒适护理缩短病人强迫体位卧床时间,减少了术后不适,减轻护理工作量,有助于提高护理质量。

    Conclusions Comfortable nursing in the experiment group decreased the time for patients ' forced attitude in bed , reduced the discomfort after operation and decreased the workload of nursing and improved the nursing quality .