
qiáng diào
  • emphasize;stress;highlight;underline;emphatically;accent;accentuate;lay stress on;foreground;put the accent on
强调 [qiáng diào]
  • [stress;emphasize] 特别着重或着重提出

  • 强调秉公处理的重要性和必要性

强调[qiáng diào]
  1. 我必须强调,我告诉你的一切都要严加保密。

    I must stress that everything I 've told you is strictly confidential .

  2. 她极力强调新制度的优点。

    She was at great pains to stress the advantages of the new system .

  3. 人们用这个故事来强调耶稣人性的一面。

    The story was used to emphasize the humanity of Jesus .

  4. 我们将要观察的例子所强调的重点很不相同。

    The examples we will look at have quite different emphases .

  5. 我在强调自己的优点时尽量不让人觉得是在自我吹嘘。

    I tried to emphasize my good points without sounding boastful .

  6. 她强调说他们的计划将意味着牺牲和辛勤工作。

    She emphasized that their plan would mean sacrifices and hard work .

  7. 应该强调的是,这只是一种可能的解释。

    It should be emphasized that this is only one possible explanation .

  8. 他的发言强调了吸引工业到城镇的重要性。

    His speech emphasized the importance of attracting industry to the town .

  9. 这份报告强调两组之间的相似性。

    The report highlights the similarity between the two groups .

  10. 人们强调学校为道德价值观的传输者。

    Emphasis was placed on the school as a transmitter of moral values .

  11. 总统强调了最喜欢的竞选主题——加大教育投入。

    The President stressed a favourite campaign theme ─ greater emphasis on education .

  12. 这位作者强调个人的独特性。

    The author stresses the uniqueness of the individual .

  13. 这或暗示或明确地强调了金钱至上这一观念。

    It reinforces , implicitly or explicitly , the idea that money is all-important .

  14. 她强调了团队合作的重要性。

    She stressed the importance of good teamwork .

  15. 她强调了认真准备的重要性。

    She stressed the importance of careful preparation .

  16. 资本主义强调的是创新、竞争和个人至上。

    Capitalism stresses innovation , competition and individualism .

  17. 她强调必须时常保持警惕。

    She stressed the need for constant vigilance .

  18. 她再度强调自己是清白的。

    She repeated her protestation of innocence .

  19. 《哈尔西报告》强调了学前教育的重要性。

    The Halsey Report emphasized the value of a pre-school education .

  20. 我要再次强调,医学面临着变革。

    I repeat that medicine is on the brink of a revolution

  21. 为什么最新政策强调采取强硬手段,而不是采用外交上的怀柔策略?

    Why the new emphasis on sticks instead of diplomatic carrots ?

  22. 将会特别强调口语训练。

    Particular emphasis will be placed on oral language training .

  23. 报告强调了他对道德水准可能会受影响所表示的关注。

    The report underlined his concern that standards were at risk

  24. 正如布伦基特先生所强调的,一切都还没有定下来。

    As Mr Blunkett emphasised , nothing is yet set in concrete .

  25. 该行业最近的广告宣传活动一直在反复强调这些主题。

    Recent advertising campaigns from the industry have hammered at these themes .

  26. 最近一期的《柳叶刀》杂志中强调了这一日益严重的问题。

    The growing problem is underlined in the latest issue of the Lancet

  27. 经常大力强调物质成就。

    There is often a strong accent on material success .

  28. 服务员,我特别强调了这块牛排要做得嫩些。

    Waiter , I specifically asked for this steak rare .

  29. 他特别强调严格按程序走的意义。

    He is especially emphatic about the value of a precise routine .

  30. 他的声音里透着愤怒,为了强调,他一字一顿。

    His voice was angry and he spaced the words for emphasis .