
qiáng liáng
  • ruffian;powerful;brutal;bully;violent;tyrannical
强梁 [qiáng liáng]
  • (1) [powerful]∶有力量

  • 良医不能救无命,强梁不能与天争。--《后汉书.苏竟传》

  • (2) [tyrannical]∶强横

  • 贪财好色最强梁,放火杀人王矮虎。--《水浒传》

  • (1) [raffian]∶粗暴、残忍或凶狠的人

  • (2) [bully]∶欺凌弱小、性情残暴的人

强梁[qiáng liáng]
  1. RC强梁弱柱型框架抗震性能试验研究塑性铰分布表明结构符合强柱弱梁的原则。

    It is shown that the behavior of the structure accords with the seismic principle of strong - column - weak - beam .

  2. 高层建筑不等强梁柱节点处理方法

    Treatment Methods for Unequal Strength Beam and Column Joints of High-rise Buildings

  3. 例如,你可以说音乐和艺术能够搭起文化的强梁。

    For example , you could say music and art can bridge cultures .

  4. 不等强梁柱节点混凝土替换技术

    Concrete Substitution Technology for Non-equal-concrete-strength Beam and Column Joints

  5. 碳纤维布补强梁裂尖奇异性的光学焦散线实验研究

    Optical caustic experimental study on crack tip singularity of carbon fiber cloth strengthened beams

  6. 强梁腹板特殊开孔应力分析与补强方法研究

    Study of stress concentration and reinforcement for special holes in webs of web beams

  7. 强梁特殊开孔参数化建模技术

    Parameterized Modeling Technology for Special Holes on Web

  8. 约束混凝土替换不等强梁柱节点混凝土施工技术

    A Concrete Construction Substitution Technology for non-equal-concrete-strength Beam and Column Joints with Confined Concrete

  9. 汶川地震出现的强梁弱柱现象探讨

    Discussion on Strong-Beam-Weak-Column Phenomenon in Wenchuan Earthquake

  10. 钢板厚度及锚固型式对粘钢补强梁的性能影响研究

    The effects of plate thickness and anchor measures on reinforced concrete beams strengthened by epoxy-steel plates

  11. 同时,还探讨了混凝土强度、补强钢板厚度等因素对粘钢补强梁的疲劳性能影响。

    At the same time , it presents the effects of concrete code and plate thickness on fatigue property of plated RCbeams .

  12. 若按此内力设计框架梁,必然使梁的截面和配筋很大,这样做一方面不经济,同时会使框架成为强梁弱柱结构,不利于抗震。

    If frame beam design with the internal force which make the section and the reinforcement ratios too large , so this is not one economy .

  13. 为了研究钢筋混凝土梁-墙平面外连接节点的受力性能,完成了6个强梁弱墙型节点试件在梁端往复竖向荷载作用下的试验。

    To study the behavior of non-planar beam-wall connections , test of six connection specimens with strong beam and weak wall was conducted under cyclic loading at the beam end .

  14. 对于这种节点的抗弯,指出规范中现行的强柱弱梁原则是不合理的,并说明强梁弱柱的必要性。

    Compared with the present unreasonable principle of stronger column and weaker beam for the bending of the joints on beams , the principle of stronger beam and weaker column is necessary .

  15. 本实用新型属于汽车的车架,特别涉及一种带有高截面外加强梁并且不影响承载高度和离去角的汽车车架。

    The utility model belongs to a rack of a vehicle , more particularly relating to a vehicle rack with a high section reinforcing bar which doesn 't affect the bearing height and the leaving angle .

  16. 柱端弯矩放大系数考虑了楼板对梁端负弯矩承载力的增强作用,但考虑不够全面和准确是造成强梁弱柱主要原因之一。

    The amplication coefficient considerates the enhance effect of slab on negative moment bearing capacity of beam end . However , the consideration is not quite accurate , that is the one of main reasons for " strong beam weak column " yielding mechanism .

  17. 在设计多层多跨预应力混凝土框架结构时,一般按抗裂度控制条件计算预应力筋后再按允许的预应力度确定普通钢筋的数量,则节点抗剪强度不足和强梁弱柱难以避免;

    In the design of the multi-story and multi-span prestressed concrete frame structures ( PCFS ), tendons of frame beams usually were designed by crack resistance capacity and it was hard to avoid " strong beam-weak column " and " strong element-weak joint " around inner beam-column joints .