- 网络INTENSIVE QUANTITY;Intensity;intensive property

Intensive properties don 't care about the scale of your system .
Starting from the fundamental definition of energy and taking into account of the energy transfer and conversion , a generalized differential formulation of energy state function is presented with intensive properties and extensive properties .
The Depression Intensity Scale Circles ( DISCs ): A first evaluation of a simple assessment tool for depression in the context of brain injury
Generalized work is the transferring transport ability , which could be partially dissipated in transfer process .
The intensive guantity and the extensive guantity are two basic conception that run through chemical thermodynamics .
If you have the number of moles and two intensive variables , then you know everything there is to know about the system .
So the temperature is intensive , and you can make intensive properties out of the extensive properties by dividing by the numberof moles in the system .
By analyzing the parameters ( heat flow and temperature ) of the thermodynamics principle of entropy , the thermodynamics entropy of the road traffic system is established with the traffic volume , density and speed , thus revealing the inner mechanism of entropy .
The selection of pain intensity assessment scales in Chinese elders
Control of Intensity and Work Amount In Sports Training
A Talk on the Combination of Training Intensity and Quantity in Water Polo
The mechanism of injuries was due to the technical errors , overload and tiredness .
Comparison on usability of 5 different pain intensity assessment rating scales for patients in vascular surgery department
Then a measurement scale of relationship strength in the context of services selling is developed and validated .
To pays great attention the intensity and the quantity union from the pure pursue physiological load of exercise ;
The Internal Radiotherapy of Partial Splenic Ablation : An Experimental Study Using ( 131 ) ~ I-labeled Lipiodol . Part ⅱ
The appearance of maximum amount of absorbing intensity was basically consistent with that of the peak period of phasic-uptake amount .
Now , designs of mechanical engineering are changing from traditional method of safety coefficient to the method of combining mechanics analysis with probability analysis .
The teaching method of single and multi-ball combination is not only easy to control the exercise intensity and quantity , but also can improve students ' technology and physique effectively .
Radiation monitoring equipment give alarm signal according to the radiation intensity ; monitoring the current count and the background average count , and gives a warning signal when the difference between the two over a certain range .
With the methods of documentations , physiological gist and biological effects of fitness walking were reviewed in aspects of cardio and vas function , psychology , weight lost and cancer prevention and the intensity , quantity of fitness walking .
The concrete-faced rockfill dam cushion materials produced and processed using the method of quarrying , screening and adding sand can meet the design requirements in quality , and easily achieve significant economic benefits in material production with high intensity and large quantity .
By studying the relationship between annual rainfall amount and rainfall amount of 5 intensity categories , the results show that in the north of Guangdong the increases of storm and heavy storm rainfall are the main cause of the increase of annual rainfall amount .
It was found , from both numerical analysis and shake table testing , that the isolation effectiveness offered by the SR bearings to earthquake inputs is strongly dependent on the type of earthquake motion .
The content of enzyme activities , microorganism quantities , respiration intensity , microbial biomass C ( MBC ), MBN and MBP showed decrease of top-down trend in vertical profile , among them , the quantities of three major microorganism dropped suddenly and showed extreme sensitiveness of habitat change .
By using this model , the current cumulative oil generating intensity and amount for immature source rocks of Qianjiang formation were calculated in JJ , QQ , XX Depressions , the Jianghan Basin .
The strength of phosphorous slag cement without additive is studied .
Relation between strength and pitting value of cross wire projection welding
Relation Between Core Strength of Cold Core Box and Amount of Solvent
A method of tooth number choice according to material property and safety allowance