
  • 网络elastic foundation beam method
  1. 研究方法:借助于大型有限元计算程序MIDAS,建立地基、基础及上部结构的三维空间模型,采用弹性地基梁法,用弹簧模拟地基作用,对整个结构进行计算分析。

    Research methods : The calculation and analysis were made for the entire structure by adopting three-dimensional space model for subgrade , foundation and upper structure with the aid of large finite element MIDAS program and elastic foundation beam method to simulate the effect on the foundation with spring .

  2. 然后对板桩码头利用弹性线法与弹性地基梁法两种不同的方法进行设计分析。

    And then it analyse sheet-pile wharf by using of elastic line method and elastic foundation beam method .

  3. 钢板桩的竖向弹性地基梁法在工程设计中具有较强的实用价值,本文在ANSYS软件中实现了考虑土锚钢板桩结构施工因素的竖向弹性地基梁法。

    The practicability of method of vertical beam on elastic foundation is relatively excellent in engineering design ; the method considering construction factors is realized in software of ANSYS in this paper .

  4. 结合弹性地基梁法和深基坑支护结构中的环梁支护结构体系的特点,提出了基于通用有限元程序ANSYS的空间分析模型。

    Basing on the theory of beam on elastic foundation and the features of ring beam retaining structure , a space finite element analysis model built on ANSYS is proposed in the paper .

  5. 介绍拱坝应力分析的一种方法&弹性地基梁法

    A Method for Arch Dam Analysis The Elastic Beam Analogue Method

  6. 弹性地基梁法及参数反分析计算程序

    Method of elastic foundation beam and calculation program of parameter back-analysis

  7. 用弹性地基梁法进行沟埋式箱涵的结构计算

    Structural Calculation of Concrete Box Culvert Based on Elastic Foundation Beam Theory

  8. 弹性地基梁法在金属筒仓立筋计算中的应用

    Application of elastic foundation method in vertical bar steel of metal silo

  9. 压顶梁作用的弹性地基梁法的分析

    Considering top beam effects in beam on elastic foundation method

  10. 管节-接头的弹性地基梁法及顶管施工模拟分析

    Beam on Elastic Foundation Method Considering Pipe-joint and Analysis of Pipe Jacking Construction

  11. 提要双跨隧道在岩溶地区施工中遇到大型溶槽,采用弹性地基梁法成功跨越。

    In excavation of double span tunnel , there exists a big water-eroded groove .

  12. 双跨隧道穿越大型溶槽的弹性地基梁法

    Method of elastic foundation beam for double span tunnel passing though big water-eroded groove

  13. 基于弹性地基梁法的隧道衬砌裂缝间距和宽度的计算

    Calculation of Crack Space and Crack Width of Tunnel Lining Based on Elastic Foundation Curved Beam Model

  14. 单室箱梁桥畸变的两种弹性地基梁法的研究

    Research on two kinds of analogy method of beam on elastic foundation for distortion of simple cell box girder bridge

  15. 框架设计软件采用了刚性梁法和弹性地基梁法进行内力计算。

    The software about the frame design , apply the stiffening bar method and elastic foundation method to account the endogen .

  16. 介绍采用竖向弹性地基梁法计算板桩码头的要点。

    This paper introduces the main points of computing sheet pile wharf by considering the sheet pile as a vertical elastic foundation beam .

  17. 在研究中发现用有限条元计算浮桥最大弯矩与跨矩的比值同弹性地基梁法所得到的比值几乎相等。

    The ratio of maximum bending moment and mid span obtained by this method is almost the same as that by the elastic footing beam method .

  18. 分析畸变效应时采用了弹性地基梁法的求解思路,在求出截面畸变角后,计算畸变应力。

    With the way to solve the distortion effect problem by the flexible foundation method , the distortion stress was calculated after solving the cross-section distortion angle .

  19. 分别使用弹性地基梁法与连续介质有限元法的数值模拟方法来分析基坑工作井支护结构的受力状态和位移状态。

    Use beam on elastic foundation method and continuous medium finite element method to simulate the stress state and the strain state of the shield shaft support structure respectively .

  20. 改进传统的平面计算方法,对传统的弹性地基梁法进行改进,增加了只压土弹簧,使其适应于基坑支护结构的三维空间分析;

    The traditional plane computing method and traditional elastic footing beam method are modified . One-way soil spring is adopted to carry out 3D anlysis for the retaining and protecting structure .

  21. 以弹性地基梁法为基础建立了基坑的有限元模型,利用得到的模型分析了坑内土体的加固深度及程度对围护结构变形的影响。

    Based on the elastic foundation beam theory , a finite element model of foundation pit was established . The effect of soil improvement on lateral deformation of the retaining structures was studied .

  22. 采用竖向弹性地基梁法计算有锚板桩墙,首先要确定锚碇点位移或支承处刚度系数。

    In order to calculate the internal force of anchored sheet piling by the method of vertical beam on elastic foundation , the displacement of anchored points or the rigidity factor of supports should be determined first .

  23. 结合工程实例,阐述了弹性地基梁法、倒梁法、剪力平衡法三种柱下条形基础的计算方法,并对其作出了对比分析,以此说明工程中选用适当计算方法的重要性。

    Combined with practical work , three calculation methods-elastic groundsill beam method , inverted beam method and shearing force balance method of under-pole bar base are elaborated and analysed comparatively , which showed the importance of calculation method selection .

  24. 单室断面箱梁侨畸变计算,目前,有两种弹性地基梁法;一种以畸变角ν、另一以畸变挠度ω为参数。

    There are two kinds of analogy method for the beam on elastic foundation in distortion computing of simple cell box girder bridge , one of which is to use the distortional angle v as a parameter and the other is the distortional deflection w.

  25. 推荐采用横向变形约柬弹性地基梁法设计预应力锚索桩,按变形协调原理计算锚索拉力、桩的位移及内力,并将这种方法应用于南昆铁路一软岩深路堑高边坡的预应力锚索桩设计。

    The method of elastic foundation beam with restriction of transverse deformation is recommended to design of retaining pile with prestressed cable . According to deformation consistence principle , the tensive force of prestressed cable , displacement and internal force of the pile are calculated .

  26. 现行深基坑支护设计弹性地基梁法对墙后土压力未考虑支护结构位移的影响,对墙前开挖面以下也仅考虑位移的线性影响。

    There are some inadequacies in the current elastic foundation beam theory about deep excavation protected design . In current practice , the influence of the protecting structure displacement on the earth pressure behind the retaining wall is neglected and linear displacement in front of the retaining wall is assumed .

  27. 其中,数值法包括有限元法和有限段法等。解析法包括广义坐标法、乌氏第二理论、弹性地基梁比拟法、广义弯曲理论、传递矩阵法等。

    Theory , elasticity ground beam analogy method , generalized bending theory and transfer matrix method and so on .

  28. 考虑埋深的弹性地基梁链杆法

    Linking-rad method on elastic foundation beam taking into embeded deth

  29. 圆形地下连续墙的弹性地基梁数值计算法

    The numerical solution of the elastic foundation beam about circular underground continuous wall

  30. 弹性地基梁的传递矩阵法求解

    The Solution to Transfer Matrix of Beam on Elastic Foundation