
dàn gōng
  • slingshot;catapult
弹弓 [dàn gōng]
  • [catapult;slingshot] Y形木枝头上栓橡皮筋,用小石子或豆子当子弹的弓,尤指儿童用来打着玩或打小动物的弓

弹弓[dàn gōng]
  1. 由于山高坡陡,人无法直接爬上去,为了获取宝石,当地人用弹弓不停的朝山顶上的猿猴射击。

    Since the mountains were high and steep . People could not climb up directly . In order to get the precious stones , the native people kept shooting at the monkeys , which were at the top of the mountains , with catapult .

  2. 向外射,似从弹弓上发射。

    Shoot forth or launch , as if from a catapult .

  3. 埃弗里已经吃过了饭,便上楼找他的弹弓去了。

    Avery had finished and was upstairs looking for his slingshot .

  4. 他怀里揣着弹弓,一连三个早晨在吴工的后花园里徘徊,露水湿透了他的衣服。

    He carried a slingshot , and for three consecutive days paced up and down in the King 's back garden . The dew wetted his clothes all through .

  5. David在弹弓里放了一块石子。

    David puts a stone in his sling .

  6. PVC,弹弓线,电话线,电脑周边线材,链接器配线。

    PU , PVC , slingshot lines , telephone lines , computer peripheral cable , linker wiring .

  7. 在营地的边缘,威尔士阿伯里斯特维斯大学(AberystwythUniversity)地理学博士研究生约翰尼·瑞安(JohnnyRyan)用一个类似弹弓的装置把飞机形状的无人机发射出去,然后操控它在一块将近75平方英里的区域上空飞行。

    On the edge of camp , Johnny Ryan , a doctoral candidate in geography at Aberystwyth University in Wales , launched an airplane-shaped drone from a slingshot-like device , then guided it over a nearly 75-square-mile area .

  8. 所以JPL的科学家们成立一个小组分析这些年来所有的弹弓机动,设法找到是否真的存在微小但是系统的额外推进力。

    So a team from JPL has got together to analyse all of the slingshot manoeuvres that have been carried out over the years , to see if they really do involve a small but systematic extra boost .

  9. 天文学家们估计,WAPS-17行星有可能和一颗较大的卫星又一次近距离接触,引力相互作用就好像弹弓,将WASP-17放入奇怪的轨迹。

    WASP-17 likely had a close encounter with a larger planet , and the gravitational interaction acted like a slingshot to put WASP-17 on its odd course , the astronomers figure .

  10. 那次是我用她的胸罩做弹弓。

    And she found me using her bra as a slingshot .

  11. 我会作一个小弹弓给我的孩子。

    And I could make a siingshot for my IittIe boy .

  12. 你想我自以为是机动弹弓?

    You want me to set up for the slingshot maneuver ?

  13. 大卫用的的弹弓和石弹杀死巨人歌利亚。

    David uses his sling and a stone to kill Goliath .

  14. 家庭化学用品和弹弓的日子一去不复返了。

    Gone are the days of home chemistry sets and slingshots .

  15. 激光弹弓是重量比最气手枪。

    The Laser Slingshot is lighter than most air pistols .

  16. 早餐后,那小家伙从口袋里拿出一个弹弓来。

    After breakfast the kid took a slingshot out of his pocket .

  17. 小的时候,我们都用弹弓射鸟。

    When we were young we used to shoot birds with slingshots .

  18. 激光弹弓是在比较安静的气手枪。

    The laser slingshot is quieter in comparison to an air pistol .

  19. 弹弓&我可以用这个把石头丢的更远

    Catapult - I could use this to throw stones further

  20. 斯坦利.斯蒂尔仍然认为有人偷了他的平滑的钢弹弓的弹丸。

    Stanley Steels still thinks someone stole his smooth steel sling shot .

  21. 那小家伙从口袋里掏出弹弓来。

    The kid took a slingshot out of his pocket .

  22. 我转过身,正好看到哈桑的弹弓。

    I turned and came face to face with Hassan 's slingshot .

  23. 弹弓式磨牙远移器的临床应用

    The Use of Slingshot Appliance to Move Molars Distally

  24. 我也很会用弹弓来射杀小鸟。

    I also made sling shots to kill birds .

  25. 他试了五次,才把弹弓系在裤子上。

    It took him five tries to tie the string of his trousers .

  26. 看来你的弹弓小把戏要以失败告终了

    Looks like your little slingshot game ends here .

  27. 用来射鸟或害虫的弹弓(不包括玩具弹弓)

    Catapult designed for shooting at birds or pests ( excl. toy catapults )

  28. 他把弹弓塞回进衬衣内。

    He stuffed his sling back in his shirt .

  29. 这个男孩用弹弓射石子。

    The boy discharged a stone from a sling .

  30. 昨天晚上你没拿弹弓打我。

    Last night , you didn 't shoot .