
ruò huà zuò yònɡ
  • Weakening action;yodization
  1. 水对三峡库区碎石土的弱化作用

    Weakening effect of water on gravel-soil in Three Gorges Reservoir area

  2. 小麦麸皮水不溶戊聚糖对面团特性及面包烘焙品质有明显的弱化作用;

    Wheat bran water insoluble pentosan has negative influence on dough and bread-making properties .

  3. 抑制需求预测因素对长鞭效应弱化作用的研究

    The Research of Weakening of Bullwhip Effects through Depressing the Factor of Demand Prediction

  4. 某些缓凝剂对混凝土起长期的弱化作用。

    Some retarders permanently weaken the concrete .

  5. 水对岩体结构面抗剪强度弱化作用分析

    The analysis of the shearing strength 's weakening action of water on the rock 's structure

  6. 悬索桥锚碇模型试验中水的弱化作用试验分析

    Experimental Analysis on Weakening Action of Groundwater in Model Tests for the Anchorage of Suspension Bridge

  7. 增加盐类凝固剂浓度,可以强化豆腐凝胶强度,但对保水性有弱化作用。

    As salt-coagulant concentration in soymilk increased , tofu-gel strength increased , whereas water-holding capacity decreased .

  8. 因此增值税转型是通货紧缩条件下实施积极财政政策的必然选择,但在短期内增值税的转型会造成财政收入的减少,可能对积极财政政策产生弱化作用。

    Thus , the transformation of value-added tax is necessary to implement fiscal policy but probably reduces fiscal income .

  9. 但添加色度调节剂对面团品质有一定弱化作用,对面条和馒头的食用品质有一定的影响。

    But the color regulator has adverse effect on dough quality and taste quality of noodle and steamed bread .

  10. 在三种试验条件下石灰岩和砂岩的峰值应力、弹性模量、变形模量都随温度升高而降低,峰值应变随温度升高而增加,高温对岩石的强度有一定的弱化作用。

    The peak-stress , elastic modulus , and deformation modulus of limestone and sandstone all decrease with temperature increasing . The peak-strain increases with temperature increasing .

  11. 本文以啤酒对策实验为基础,经过数据分析和推理,研究了抑制需求预测因素对长鞭效应的弱化作用。

    Based on the " Beer Teat " and through data analyzing and inference , the paper investigates the weakening effects of Bullwhip effects through depressing the foctors of demand prediction .

  12. 基于准脆性材料中翼型拉伸裂纹的成核准则,运用细观损伤理论推导了翼型裂纹损伤对材料弹性模量的弱化作用。

    Based on the nucleation criterion of wing tension crack of quasi-brittle material , the decrease of elastic moduli of material resulted from the crack damage are derived utilizing micro-mechanics theory .

  13. 发生地震时,流体对断层的弱化作用主要表现在降低断层的有效应力;震后在流体作用下压溶、矿物相变等导致断层愈合。

    When an earthquake occurs , the high pressure fluid makes the effective stress on the fault very low . After the earthquake , fault healing occurs with the fluid-assistant pressure solution and mineral phase change .

  14. 论证了锚杆对岩体时效变形的控制作用和岩体反复变形对锚杆作用效果的弱化作用。

    The control over temperature and time-dependent deformation of rock mass by bolts is discussed , and the weakening of the bolting effects caused by the cyclics deformation in rock mass is also demonstrated in this paper .

  15. 三轴受压时,随着围压的增加,岩石的峰值强度和残余强度均有所增加,峰后山脆性变形向延性变形逐渐转化,同时水对岩石强度会产生弱化作用;

    Under triaxial compression , the peak and remained strength of rocks both increase with the confining pressure . After the stress peak the brittle deformation disappears and the plastic deformation occurs , in the meantime water can weaken the strength of rocks ;

  16. 数据分析表明,应变率对流动应力具有强化作用,温度对流动应力具有弱化作用,稳态变形后,各应力&应变曲线都变为一条趋于与应变坐标轴平行的直线。

    By analyzing these data , it indicates that strain-rate can enhance the flow stress , while temperature will lower flow stress , and after remained in a steady state , each stress & strain curve will be parallel to the strain coordinate axis .

  17. 从而降低了匙孔内金属等离子体对激光束的弱化作用(吸收和散焦),增大了匙孔底部固态金属对激光能量的吸收速率,使激光束的穿透能力增强。

    It casued that the absorption and the defocus effect of metal plasma on laser inside the laser keyhole decreased , and the absorb speed of solid metal for laser energy increased . The penetration power of laser beam was enhanced , thus the deeper penetration depth was obtained .

  18. 在导致二语学习者英语语音中外国口音的诸多因素中,元音弱化的作用一般被公认为最大。

    Among several factors that result in learners ' foreign accent , the effect of vowel reduction is recognized as the biggest .

  19. 作为首相,撒切尔夫人决心通过弱化国家作用和提升市场自由度来修复国家财政。

    As prime minister , she was determined to repair the country 's finances by reducing the role of the state and boosting the free market .

  20. 根据综放开采坚硬顶煤预先弱化爆破作用的目的和特点,认为在爆炸载荷作用下坚硬煤体的动态断裂破坏也是一个连续损伤演化积累过程。

    According to the purpose and characteristic of the weakening blast of hard top-coal in fully mechanized caving faces , that the dynamic breaking process of hard coal mass on blasting load is also a process to accumulate continuously damage is pointed out ;

  21. 分析了硫酸钠盐在土体冻融循环中对土体强度的强化和弱化两种作用;

    And the strength of the salty soil is strengthened and weakened due to the mix of the sodium sulfate ;

  22. 即:调整政府在我国股票市场上的角色,弱化政府的作用;

    Based on the study before of the thesis , some suggestion is got : Adjust the role of the government on the stock market ;

  23. 然而,我国现行的利率管制政策却严重地弱化了利率的作用。

    However , our country current policies of interest rate management seriously weakens the role of it .

  24. 复核法庭以及合议规则应当进行改造,弱化审判委员会的作用。

    The review court and the rules of collegial panel should be reformed to weaken the role of the trial committee .

  25. 分析后,我们得出一个改进的供应链新模型,即通过弱化人才市场的作用同时引入软件工厂策略,加强IT职业培训机构和用人企业的直接联系。

    After analyzing , we propose an improved model , which lower the role of HR market and import a strategy of software manufactory .

  26. 通过簇理事会代替簇头的功能,有利于在域中平衡能量、减轻通信等负载,并弱化单个节点的作用和影响。

    Through replacing the cluster head with the council , it is helpful in balancing communication load in domain and weakening the effect and influence of the single node .

  27. 其原因主要是液滴分布的两极化以及水相自由基传递激发了类似乳液聚合的一种聚合机理,而这种聚合机理弱化了液滴两极分化的优势,进而弱化了其强化作用。

    The reason is that the polarization of droplets and radical transfer from water phase to droplets intrigue a kind of mechanism similar to emulsion polymerization . The mechanism weakens the advantages of polarization of droplets and process intensification , too .