
  1. 日前,张迪接受了《财富》杂志(Fortune)访问,讨论如何给一个总是遮遮掩掩的行业带来高质量的设计。

    Ti Chang spoke with fortune about how to bring quality design to a stigmatized industry .

  2. 现年33岁的张迪拥有美国佐治亚理工学院(GeorgiaInstituteofTechnology)的工业设计学位以及伦敦皇家艺术学院(RoyalCollegeofArt)的设计硕士学位。

    Chang , 33 , received an industrial design degree from Georgia Institute of technology and a graduate degree in design from the Royal College of art in London .

  3. 张迪总是喜欢挑战自己。

    Zhang likes to set challenges for himself .

  4. 北京蹦极第一人张迪不断挑战极限尽管是北京尝试蹦极运动第一人,张迪从不觉得自己很勇敢或者富有冒险精神。

    Taking off although he was the first person to try bungee jumping in beijing , Zhang Di never claimed he was brave or adventurous .