
  1. 29岁的张辉去年被任命为中国共青团山东省委副书记,一时成为媒体争相报导的对象。

    Zhang Hui , 29 , made headlines last year when he was appointed vice-secretary of the Communist Youth League 's Shandong provincial committee .

  2. “这是一个危险的时代,”日月咖啡厅(餐厅)的主人张辉说,她的房租使纳西房东能够改善升级住到新城里去。

    " This is a dangerous time ," admitted Zhang Hui , owner of the Sun Moon Caf é, whose rental payments enabled her Naxi landlord to upgrade to the new town .

  3. 张辉在上海一家广告公司工作,他表示许多大学只会把论坛信息或大学领导时间表放在社会媒体上。这种东西是“无法帮助大学在公众当中建立声望的。”

    Zhang Hui , who works for an advertising company in Shanghai , said many universities only post forum information or university leaders ' schedules on social media - things " that cannot help to build universities ' reputation among the public . "