
zhāng jiǎo
  • flare angle;field angle
张角[zhāng jiǎo]
  1. 给出了张角为2π时裂纹尖端附近的第三型应力强度因子。

    When the field angle is 2 π, the third stress intensity factor at the crack tip is computed .

  2. 讨论了缺口尖端半径ρ,深度t和张角α变化时的各种缺口形式;

    All forms of breaches with a change in the radius ρ , depth t and field angle α are discussed .

  3. 浮力对V型火焰张角的影响

    Effect of buoyancy on laminar V-shaped premixed flame angle

  4. 与通常的E面扇形喇叭比较,这种喇叭具有较低的副瓣电平,短的喇叭长度和宽的张角。

    Compared with conventional Eplane sectoral horn , it has low sidelobe level , short physical length and wide flare angle .

  5. 实验得出了最佳V型裂纹张角,对其断裂控制效果作了三维模型试验验证。

    The opti-mum angle of V-shaped cracks is obtained . The fracture control effect is verified by three-dimensional modelling tests .

  6. 大张角的Bragg探测器

    Large Solid Angle Bragg Detector

  7. 结果表明:作用在V形贯底式防波堤上的波浪力与水深、防波堤的张角、入射波的波长等因素有关。

    Results show the forces and moments exerted on V-shaped bottom-mounted breakwaters are related with water depth , breakwater parameters , wave parameters and so on .

  8. 结果表明,几何形状,尤其是零件张角,对V型零件翻边成形性具有决定性的影响。

    The results show that the geometry , especially the flange angle , is a key factor to the formability on flanging of V-shaped sheet metal parts .

  9. 采用全三维粘性流NS方程求解程序,对具有大扩张角中间机匣的某型涡轮低压导向器叶栅中的流场进行了数值模拟。

    D N S solver was used to investigate the flow in LP turbine guide vane with great diffused meridional passage .

  10. 基于此模型,研究了零件张角、翻边部分初始长度以及材料各向异性参数和应变硬化指数对V型零件翻边的影响。

    Based on the model , effects of flange angle , initial flange length , strain hardening exponent and normal anisotropy coefficient on the flanging of V-shaped part were unveiled from the calculated result .

  11. 我们利用Bootstrapping方法探讨是否能用仪器选择效应来解释喷流张角对红移的依赖性。

    We investigate whether this dependence can be explained with instrumental selection effects by a bootstrapping method .

  12. 第五章开介绍了通过修正叶面张角实现磁铁模型的循环优化设计的过程,开发了基于ANSYS有限元分析软件的磁铁设计软件CMEF。

    Their relations were summarized to help cyclotron magnet design and analysis . CMEF , software about magnetic design based on ANSYS , was developed .

  13. 本文利用单形的体积公式,得到了n维欧氏空间En中的张角定理,由此又证得了单形中的一组恒等式,利用这组恒等式给出了Safta猜想在En空间中的加强形式。

    In this paper , we use the volume formula of simplex , obtain the spread angle theorem in the n-dimensional Euclideam space En , thus proving some identities for a simplex and obtaining a sharpening form of Safta 's conjecture in En .

  14. 计算和实验都证实了两束泵浦光与斯托克斯光在透镜表面上的张角有一最佳值,这种相位匹配方式是不存在相位失配的BOXCARS,并充分利用了环形泵浦束的能量。

    Our calculation and experiment confirm that the angle between two pump and one Stokes beams at lens surface exists an optimum . So , ASED CARS is BOXCARS without phase-mismatching , which makes full use of the energy of annular-pump beam .

  15. 任意张角水平对称天线的矩量法计算

    Calculation of random angle of level symmetry antenna by moment method

  16. 小张角波纹喇叭辐射特性计算

    Computation of radiation characteristics of narrow flare angle corrugated horn

  17. 张角变化对对数周期天线及其阵列特性的影响

    Variable Angle 's Influence on the Characteristics of LPDA and LPDA Arrays

  18. 多条形电极束流能散度探测器的张角优化

    Optimization of electrode opening angle for beam energy spread monitor

  19. 扩压器型面局部张角的计算及附面层修正

    Calculation of Local Divergence Angle of Diffusers and Correction of Boundary Layer

  20. E~n空间中张角定理及其应用

    Spread Angle Theorem in E ~ n and Its Application

  21. 静电计箔叶张角和电势之间关系的近似计算

    Approximate calculation of the relation between static-voltage and spread-angle of static-voltmeter 's foil

  22. 小张角圆锥喇叭天线反射特性的模匹配法分析

    Mode-Matching Analysis of the Reflection Characteristics for Conical Horn Antennas with Small Flaring Angle

  23. 在观测者眼睛处的张角出没方位幅角的观测

    Angle at eye of observer observation of amplitude

  24. 大扩张角子午流道型线对损失的影响

    Effects of diffused meridional passage contour on loss

  25. 结合工程实际要求设计了一副1.5~30MHz的大张角LPDA。

    According to a project 's requirements design a large angle LPDA for 1.5-30 MHz .

  26. 大扩张角扩压器的附面层吹除技术的研究

    An experimental investigation on wide angle diffuser using blow - in technique of boundary layer

  27. 大张角宽带对数周期天线的优化设计

    Optimization of Large Angle and Broadband LPDA

  28. 一种8毫米波变张角、半径突变多模圆锥馈源

    A 8mm Wave Multimode Conical Feedhorn With Changing Flare Angles and a Step of Radius

  29. 小张角环加载波纹喇叭中表面波的传播及辐射特性

    Propagation and Radiation Characteristics for Surface Wave along Corrugated Horns with Ring - load Slots

  30. 而且在定位结果的基础上提出了一种基于上下眼睑与瞳孔张角的虹膜质量衡量标准。

    Also based on the iris localization result , we proposed an iris quality evaluation standard .