
  1. 月落乌啼霜满天,江枫渔火对愁眠。(张继《枫桥夜泊》)

    Moonset , rooks caw , frost fills the sky , | maples and fishing lights , and sorrow before my bed .

  2. 反满坚决、观点激进、注重实行,是张继个人的政治风格。

    Firm stand of anti-imperialism and anti-Feudalism , radical ideas , and emphasizing practice are Zhang Ji 's personal political style .

  3. 人们、特别是日本的游客游览寒山寺,都十分关注张继的诗和寒山古钟。

    Visitors to the Cold Mountain Temple , especially those from Japan , are very much interested in the poem by Zhang Ji and the ancient bronze bell .

  4. 方丈莞尔一笑,拿出寒山寺中张继《枫桥夜泊》诗的碑刻拓片,虽不言语,日本僧人却已顿开茅塞。

    With a smile , the abbot took out a tablet rubbing of Zhang Ji 's Poem " Mooring by Feng'Qiao at Night . " Although nothing more was said , the Japanese monks felt enlightened .