
  1. 张天翼的讽刺小说显示了特独的艺术个性。

    Zhang Tianyi 's novels exhibit his unique satirical art style .

  2. 论张天翼笔下的向上爬小人物形象

    Images of the Little People in Zhang Tianyi 's Articles

  3. 论张天翼的儿童文学创作及艺术风格

    On Zhang Tianyi 's Creation of Children Literature and its Artistic Style

  4. 张天翼(1906-1985)湖南湘乡人。

    Zhang Tianyi ( 1906 - 1985 ) was from Xiangxiang , Hunan .

  5. 左翼文学思潮影响下的张天翼儿童文学作品

    Zhang Tianyi 's Children Literature Works Influenced by Left-wing Literary Trend of Thought

  6. 论张天翼怪诞讽刺小说的探索意义

    On the Significance of Exploration of the Grotesques Satire Novel of Zhang Tianyi

  7. 第二部分分析张天翼讽刺小说的讽刺艺术。

    Section two analyzes the satire art of Zhang Tianyi 's satire novel .

  8. 论张天翼讽刺小说的人物

    On the character of Zhang Tian-yi 's ironic novels

  9. 张天翼童话的反欲望叙事

    Anti-Desire Narration in Zhang Tianyi 's Fairy Tales

  10. 在这些技巧综合运用的基础上,张天翼形成了自己独特的风格特色。

    At the basis of synthetically using those artifice Zhang Tianyi formed his unique style .

  11. 战争文化心理下的讽刺小说&浅析沙汀和张天翼的讽刺小说

    Satirical Novels under the Psychology of Warfare : Satirical Novels of Sha Ting and Zhang Tianyi

  12. 文学语言民间化的选择&老舍、张天翼文学语言比较

    Choices of Popularizing Literary Language & A comparative study in literary language between Lao She and Zhang Tianyi

  13. 第二章探究热闹童话的初创期&以张天翼为开创者进行说明。

    Chapter 2 is to probe the beginning period of our joyful tales which has initiated by Zhang tianyi .

  14. 在中国现代文坛上,张天翼是一个有着鲜明创作个性的作家。

    In the Chinese modern literary arena , Zhang Tianyi is the one has the bright creation individuality writer .

  15. 第一部分分析张天翼讽刺小说的讽刺对象,并由此把握他讽刺理想的建构。

    Section one analyzes the satirizing object of Zhang Tianyi 's satire novel and explains how his satirizing ideal is composed .

  16. 说明张天翼童话创作产生的历史背景,及他所开创的热闹童话之艺术特点,以此说明为什么是他开创了热闹童话。

    Elucidate the history background of his creations output , and the characteristics of the joyful tales founded by him and explaining the reason .

  17. 作为中国现代童话重要的拓荒者之一,张天翼于20世纪30年代开始探索童话创作之路。

    As an important pioneer in the modern fantasy history of China 's , Zhang Tianyi began fairy-tale writing career as early as 1920s .

  18. 张天翼的讽刺是熔道德讽刺、性格讽刺、风俗讽刺、文化讽刺、时事讽刺于一炉。

    Zhang Tianyi 's satire novel is composed of satirizing morality , satirizing character , satirizing custom , satirizing culture , satirizing current events , etc.

  19. 时代和家庭的影响使张天翼在童话创作中形成了独特的幽默特色。

    The distinctive humor in Zhang Tianyi 's fairy tales was mainly owing to the influence of the society and his family shown on him .

  20. 第三章以问题为线索采取较为开放的谈论方式,探讨张天翼短篇小说的风格特点。

    Third chapter adopts the more open discussion way take the question as the clue for three aspects , discusses the style characteristic of the short stories .

  21. 张天翼倾向于通过经济的结构,简练、严肃而又含有幽默的语言,漫画似的笔法,揭露了人物内在的丑恶,社会本质的黑暗。

    Zhang Tianyi inclined to reveal the character 's inherent ugliness and the essential darkness of society by economical structure and concise , serious and humourous tongue .

  22. 论文第一部分着重论述了50年代中国的社会语境以及张天翼从动的艺术选择。

    The first part of this thesis emphatically discuss the social context in the 1950s and the urgent following choice of art of Zhang Tianyi in those days .

  23. 张天翼在接受外来影响的过程中所作的文化选择,实质上就是一种基于文化传统和社会现实的文化过滤。

    The choices made by Zhangtianyi in the process of accepting the foreign influence , in fact , were cultural filtrations based on the cultural tradition and social reality .

  24. 简捷·夸张·幽默&从《包氏父子》和《华威先生》看张天翼小说的讽刺艺术个性

    Brief · Exaggeration · Humour comments on Zhang Tianyi 's unique satirical art style revealed in his novels The Father and Son of the Bao 's Mr. Hua Wei

  25. 在中国现当代文学史上,张天翼无疑是一位代表了中国儿童文学创作根本特征的集大成者。

    In the history of Chinese modern times and present age literature , Zhang Tianyi is undoubtedly the synthesizer of the basic features of creation of Chinese children 's literature .

  26. 凭借经久不衰的艺术魅力,张天翼的故事吸引了一代又一代的年轻读者,让孩子们拓宽视野,茁壮成长。

    Zhang 's stories have attracted tens of thousands of young readers generation after generation by virtue of lasting artistic charm , enabling children to broaden their horizons and grow sturdily .

  27. 学界对于张天翼的研究几乎与其创作同步展开,也取得了一定成绩,在20世纪80年代以来,这一个案研究获得了进一步突破,产生了不少优秀的研究成果。

    Academia began to research Zhang Tianyi just after Zhang Tianyi began to write and had obtained some achievements . Furthermore , it made a great breakthrough since the eighties of the 20th century .

  28. 第二部分具体分析了张天翼儿童文学作品的艺术世界中存在的矛盾,并论证了作品艺术世界的矛盾实际是作家心灵世界情感与理智矛盾斗争的外在显露;

    The second part analyze particularly the contradiction in his children 's literature works , meanwhile expound and prove that the contradiction in his works is the appearance of the confliction between his emotions and reasons .

  29. 张天翼童话以旧时诱导儿童不劳而获的儿童读物为互文本,但反其道而用之,属于反欲望叙事。

    Zhang Tianyi 's fairy tales , taking the traditional children 's readings that advocate gain without pains as their inter-texts but adopting the latter in a diametrically opposite way , belong to the category of anti-desire narration .

  30. 从而证明了张天翼现实主义童话的产生、存在与发展的现实性与可行性:即不仅具有创作实践的可能性,而且也有一定的理论基础。

    Zhang Tianyi thus proving the generation of realistic fairy tale , the reality of the existence and development and feasibility : that not only has the possibility of creative practice , but also has some theoretical basis .