
  • 网络Zhang
  1. 张华在中国旅游公司驻东京分公司工作。

    Zhang Hua is with NTO of China based in Tokyo .

  2. 张华认出了我,也认出了我的师傅。

    Zhang Hua has recognized my master as well as me .

  3. 昨天我和张华吵了一架。

    Mom : I had an argument with Zhang Hua yesterday .

  4. 张华八年前毕业于太仓师范师范学校。

    Zhang Hua left Taicang Normal School eight years ago .

  5. 亲爱的张华同学:我们已经收到了你的入学申请。

    Dear Zhang Hua , We have received your application for admission .

  6. 张华今天没来,老师非常生气。

    Zhanghua is absent today , and the teacher is very angry .

  7. 我是张华。我已经收到你们的信了。

    This is Zhang Hua speaking . I 've received your letter .

  8. 李明和张华是好学生。

    Li Ming and Zhang Hua are good students .

  9. 张华说他的笔记本丢了。

    Zhang Hua said he had lost his notebook .

  10. 你知道一小时前谁给张华打电话了吗?

    Do you know who gave Zhang Hua a ring an hour ago ?

  11. 我是中国出口公司的张华。

    I 'm Zhang Hua of China Export Corporation .

  12. 火烧伤了张华的脖子.胳膊和脸。

    The fire burned Zhang Hua 's neck , arms , and face .

  13. 张华是西晋著名的政治家、文学家。

    Zhang Hua was the famous politician and writer in the western jin dynasty .

  14. 这是关于张华家庭的照片。

    Here is Zhang Hua 's family photo .

  15. 生:张华和李诚,准备向对方走去。

    S : zhang Hua and Li Cheng are ready to walk towards each other .

  16. 张华我也不知道,我觉得我的时间总是不够用。

    I don 't know but I feel like I 'm always running out of time .

  17. 好多好多年以后你还会送我一张华仑丁,生日卡片,酒一瓶。

    Will you still be sending me a Valentine , birthday greetings , bottle of wine ?

  18. 我不得不申明我从未为张华先生写过这样一封信。

    I have to clarify that I have never written such a letter for Mr. Zhang Hua .

  19. 布朗先生亲爱的张华同学:我们已经收到了你的入学申请。

    Yours sincerely , Mr. Brown Dear Zhang Hua , We have received your application for admission .

  20. 亲爱的张华同学:很高兴你能申请来读我校的研究生。

    Dear Zhang Hua I am pleased that you apply to be a graduate student in our university .

  21. 张华的父母亲在一所医院工作,但都不是医生。

    Both Zhang Huas father and mother worker work in a hospital , but neither one is a doctor .

  22. 我们欢迎张华先生的到来,并且很高兴能和这样一位年轻人一起工作。

    We welcome with pleasure the arrival of Mr. Zhang Hua and feel happy to work with a young man like him .

  23. 第二章艺术风格论张华诗歌的艺术风格是“清丽工巧”。

    Chapter one , the view of artistic characteristic The artistic of ZhangHua 's poesy is smoothization of emotion and exquisitezation of object .

  24. 张华亲爱的张华同学:很高兴你能申请来读我校的研究生。

    Yours sincerely , Zhang Hua Dear Zhang Hua I am pleased that you apply to be a graduate student in our university .

  25. 我们了解到,张华和其他工作人员所有的加班都是完全自愿的,没有任何的酬劳。

    We learned that Zhang Hua and her workers do all their overtime work on a volunteer basis – they receive no pay at all .

  26. 通知根据中国社会科学院通知,国内著名心理学家张华教授,因故不能按时到我们公司来。

    In line with Chinese Academy of Social Sciences notification famous psychologist Professor Zhang Hua , for some reason can not be on time to our company .

  27. 当我们问张华为什么一直坚持着这份工作的时候,她总是微笑着说,我就是喜欢它们,没什么。

    When we asked Zhang Hua why she continued to do this work , she smiled and said she liked the animals , and so this effort didn 't matter .

  28. 亲爱的先生:我收了您2011年3月10日的信及附件中我为张华所写的一封推荐信。

    rsc@whgy.com.cn Thank you . Yours sincerely , rsc@whgy.com.cn Dear Sir , I acknowledge receipt of your letter of March 10 , 2011 , enclosing a copy of my recommendation for Zhang Hua .

  29. 与前代相比,张华更加注重诗歌的表现形式及技巧的追求。具体表现在:第一,形式上追求对偶,文辞上讲究藻饰。第二,雅颂之辞博雅典正,引经据典彰显博物情怀。

    Compared with the previous generation , he was more attention to the forms and techniques Specific features : first , the pursuit of the dual form , the colourful language Second , his poetry was very gentle , because of citing .

  30. 课程与教育共生共在,尽管课程思想源远流长,但课程研究作为一门独立的研究领域从教育中分离出来还是20世纪初的事情(张华,2000:1)。

    Curriculum coexists with education , although the thought of curriculum enjoys a long history , it is from the beginning of the 20th century that the study of curriculum became independent from the field of education ( Zhang Hua , 2000:1 ) .