
  1. 引黄济津河道水质数值模拟与预测

    Numerical simulation and prediction of water quality for water supply from Yellow River to Tianjin

  2. 针对引黄济津应急调水工程河北段的输水能力进行了研究。

    Calculation of canal capacity for the Hebei reach of the Emergency Project of Diversion Yellow River water to Tianjin is presented .

  3. 实施引黄济津等应急调水工程,基本保证了城市供水。

    Emergency water diversion projects such as the diversion of water from the Yellow River to Tianjin were implemented , and water supply in cities was basically guaranteed .

  4. 在黄河水量调度、引黄济津和突发性水污染事件中,自动站发挥了人工监测不可取代的作用,做到了对水污染抓得住、测得准、传得快。

    The automatic station has a unreplaceable role in water dispatching , water diversion operation and observing accidental pollution incident with fast speed , high accuracy and fast transformation .