
  1. 美国式样主义设计新论

    A New Understanding of the Design of American Styling

  2. 摘要美国的式样主义设计和欧洲的功能主义设计构成现代设计的两大主要流派。

    American styling and European functionalism are the two leading schools of modern design .

  3. 高级的式样、设计、物品

    Exclusive styles , designs , articles

  4. 这套家具的式样,设计得新颖大方。

    The pattern of this set of furniture is designed in a modern and elegant way .

  5. 而服装是民族文化的重要组成部分,不同的民族有不同的服装,各民族富有代表性的服装式样与设计风格能体现出该民族的文化特质与思想内蕴。

    Costume is an important component in culture . Different costume styles should reflect different cultural characters and ideological content .

  6. 甚至非词语民俗也沿用陈规旧习,如习惯、手势、服装式样、图案设计等。

    Even non-verbal folklore makes use of stereotyped habits , gestures , patterns , designs , and the like .

  7. 其性质不应是古典建筑的复原设计,也不是全新的国际当前流行式样的现代建筑设计。

    It should not be a restoration of a traditional building , neither a fashion design .