
qì jué
  • abandon;cast aside;forsake;forgo
弃绝 [qì jué]
  • [forsake] 抛弃;不要

弃绝[qì jué]
  1. 汝等进入此地,须弃绝希望。

    Abandon hope all ye who enter here .

  2. 他们的参战使他们破釜沉舟永远弃绝孤立主义。

    Their entry into the war made them cross the Rubicon and abandon isolationism forever .

  3. 乃将那些暗昧可耻的事弃绝了,不行诡诈,不谬讲神的道理。

    Rather , we have renounced secret and shameful ways ; we do not use deception , nor do we distort the word of god .

  4. 弃绝管教的、必致贫受辱.领受责备的、必得尊荣

    He who ignores discipline and shame , but whoever heeds correction is honored .

  5. 如果这些提议被弃绝,Slidell将为购买部分加州支付五百万美元。

    If these offers were rejected , Slidell was to try to buy part of California for five million dollars . VOICE TWO :

  6. 神并每有弃绝他豫先所知道的百姓。

    God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew .

  7. 她决定弃绝尘世去当修女。

    She decided to renounce the world and entered a convent .

  8. 被弃绝的人和撒但会在地狱受到永恒的刑罚。

    The reprobate and Satan will suffer eternal punishment in hell .

  9. 让我们都起来弃绝传统的基督教。

    Let us all rise up to repudiate traditional Christianity .

  10. 罗十一1这样,我说,神弃绝了他的百姓么?

    Rom.11:1 I say then , Has God cast away His people ?

  11. 青年时代弃绝官场,立志于报馆和律师。

    In youth he abandoned Officialdom and dedicated to lawyer and newspaper .

  12. 你们愿意弃绝撒旦和他的假意允诺

    Do you renounce Satan and all his empty promises ?

  13. 他弃绝过去不光彩的政治生涯,开始经商。

    He left behind an inglorious political career to start his own business .

  14. 尽管在冬季你们弃绝了春天

    And though in your winter you deny your spring

  15. 弃绝后天扰攘的学习,免除忧愁烦恼吧!

    When we renounce learning we have no troubles .

  16. 所以他要求他的弟子们切戒和毅然弃绝这些毫无哲理的诱惑。

    and in consequence exhorted his followers to abstain from such unphilosophical stimulants .

  17. 人们没有进行祷告和灵性训练,没有弃绝和冷静。

    People are without spiritual discipline and prayer , without renunciation and dispassion .

  18. 箴8:33要听教训,就得智慧,不可弃绝。

    Pro8:33 Hear instruction , and be wise , and refuse it not .

  19. 他弃绝自己的宗教成为穆斯林。

    He renounced his religion and became a muslim .

  20. 我却盼望你们晓得我们不是可弃绝的人。

    But I trust that ye shall know that we are not reprobates .

  21. 或是你已经全然弃绝我们,向我们大发烈怒?

    Or have you utterly rejected us ? Are you exceedingly angry with us ?

  22. 只是要弃绝那世俗的言语,和老妇荒渺的话,在敬虔上操练自己。

    But refuse profane and old wives'fables , and exercise thyself rather unto godliness .

  23. 箴4:24你要除掉邪僻的口、弃绝乖谬的嘴。

    Put away from you a deceitful mouth And put devious speech far from you .

  24. 只是他必须先受许多苦,又被这世代弃绝。

    But first must he suffer many things , and be rejected of this generation .

  25. 如果他真的感觉到那种冷静,他会弃绝住宅和家庭。

    If he really feels that kind of dispassion , he renounces home and family .

  26. 那基本上你可以延迟科技,而无法弃绝它。

    And that basically , you can delay technology , but you can 't kill it .

  27. 想了解神,你只须弃绝一件事与神分离的感觉。

    To know God , you need only to re-nounce one thing-your sense of division from God .

  28. “我不明白,你为什么要弃绝一切?”她过了一会说。

    " I don 't see why you should have renounced ," she said in a moment .

  29. 哈马斯拒绝弃绝暴力或认可以色列,而且正囚禁着一名被俘的以色列士兵。

    Hamas refuses to violence or recognize Israel , and it is holding a captured Israeli soldier .

  30. 尽管古代许多瑜伽修行者弃绝物质财产,但也有一些人用瑜伽谋取金钱和势力。

    While many ancient yogis renounced material possessions , others used yoga to gain money and influence .