
  • 网络foreignness
  1. 结果MF肉芽肿的形态学及巨细胞参数与异物性肉芽肿、结核性肉芽肿及骨巨细胞瘤的巨细胞有所不同。

    Results The pathologic features and morphological index of giant cells of the granulomas of MF were different from those of the granulomas in tuberculosis and foreign bodies .

  2. 研究背景创伤性文身(traumatictattoos)又称为异物性文身,是指外伤后异物颗粒通过表皮,进入皮内及皮下组织,形成的永久性色素斑块[1]。

    Background : Traumatic tattoos , also known as foreign body tattoo . It refers to that foreign particles after trauma , penetrate the epidermis into the skin and subcutaneous tissue , in the form of permanent pigment plaques .

  3. 异物性食管穿孔伤的护理9例

    Nursing Cases of Perforating Injury of Esophagus with Foreign Body

  4. 卡介苗接种后谷氨酸所致的异物性肉芽肿

    Foreign body granuloma caused by monosodium glutamate after BCG vaccination

  5. 纤维支气管镜术在小儿非异物性肺不张中的应用

    Application of pediatric flexible fiberoptic bronchoscopy in management of non-foreign body atelectasis

  6. 皮下组织异物性肉芽肿皮肤能和下层组织粘连。

    The skin can become adherent to the underlying tissues .

  7. 气管内置管注药治疗局限性异物性支气管肉芽肿

    Treatment of limited bronchus granuloma caused by foreign body with medication in trachea

  8. 异物性2例,结核性1例,邻近炎症扩散引起者2例,上呼吸道感染所致9例;

    Cases were caused by foreign body , 1 case by tuberculosis , 2 cases by the diffusion of neighbored inflammation , 9 cases by upper respiratory tract infection ;

  9. 结论:ICL植入术后炎症细胞变化情况显示为典型的异物肉芽肿性炎症过程。

    CONCLUSION : Changes of inflammatory cells after ICL implantation showed a progress of classic foreign body granulomatous inflammation .

  10. M10和M11组形成的异物肉芽肿性炎,且炎症内坏死多,范围大。

    The tubers from groups M4 , M5 , M10 and M11 existed granulomatous inflammation of foreign bodies , and much necrosis in the granuloma .

  11. [结论]一定量的搪瓷喷花粉尘进入肺内不至引起进行性肺纤维化,而是引起肺内异物反应性改变。

    [ Conclusion ] Certain amount of spray enameling dust deposited in lung will not induce progressive lung fibrosis but slight foreign body reaction .

  12. 报告详细列举了肌无力、吞咽困难、异物吸入性性肺炎等病例。

    The reports detailed cases of muscle weakness , difficulty swallowing or aspiration pneumonia , a serious condition caused by breathing a foreign material into the lungs .

  13. 目的提高全麻下取气管异物安全性和成功率的再认识,正确选择其适应证和方法。

    Objective To improve recognition of clinical security and success rate and choose correctly indication , way to foreign body removal from the trachea under general anesthesia .

  14. 15天和60天时,给药各组高剂量和低剂量组之间的尿液代谢产物差异物显著性。

    At the breeding time of 15 days and 60 days , there were no significant differences of urine metabolisms between high dosage group and low dosage group of all the three administrationed groups .

  15. 作者认为,选择CT扫描的最佳位置,是诊断气管、支气管异物的关键性因素。

    The authors consider selecting optimal position of CT scan as critical factors for diagnosing the foreign body in tracheas and bronchi .

  16. 也有人认为对异物的变应性肉芽肿反应是其病因;

    An allergic granulomatous reaction to foreign bodies has been suggested as the pathogenesis ;

  17. 结论对于球内异物并外伤性白内障患者,施行联合手术是一种安全有效的手术。

    Conclusion The combined surgery for patients with coexisting IOFB and traumatic cataract is effective and safe .

  18. 其中MPR(包括CPR)在显示异物本身和局限性气管、支气管阻塞最好。

    The MPR was best to display the foreign bodies and local obstruction in trachea and bronchi .

  19. 胸片对支气管异物诊断的特异性较差,易误诊为肺炎、肺结核、支气管肺癌等,肺部CT检查可较清晰显示骨性异物及中央气道内的异物影,可减少误诊或漏诊的发生。

    Chest X-ray are very poorly for the specificity of the bronchial foreign body diagnosis . It always are misdiagnosed as pneumonia , tuberculosis , bronchus lung cancer . Lung CT , spiral CT examination can effectively reduce the occurrence of misdiagnosis or missing .

  20. 结论与硅胶管及PLGA(50∶50)相比,PLGA(85∶15)是一种异物反应生物相容性佳,生物降解速率合适的周围神经组织工程材料。

    CONCLUSION : PLGA ( 85 ∶ 15 ) is a better material with little foreign body reaction , good biology compatibility and suitable biodegradation velocity as compared with silica ge conduit and PLGA ( 50 ∶ 50 ) .

  21. 球内异物摘除联合外伤性白内障囊外摘出及人工晶状体植入术

    Combination of the extract of intraocular foreign bodies with the extra-capsular extract of the traumatic cataract and the intraocular lens implantation

  22. 吸入异物种类以食物性异物为主(94.87%),其中又以植物性食物,如花生仁、瓜子类和豆类为多(88.14%);

    The most frequent foreign bodies were food ( 94 . 87 % ), especially plant food ( 88 . 14 % ) such as peanut , melon seeds and beans .

  23. 方法4例4眼磁性异物伤所致外伤性白内障、玻璃体腔内异物行白内障摘出,同时经白内障切口用电磁铁经前房吸出玻璃体腔磁性异物。

    Method Four eyes of traumatic cataract and magnetic intraocular foreign body in the vitreous were treated by extracting cataract and foreign body via incision of cataract surgery and anterior chamber with electromagnet .

  24. 这种系统与国内同类设备相比,在剔除异物的种类多样性、系统的稳定性、减少操作人员和维护费用、易于操作等方面有了明显的优势,相对于国外同类产品也有非常明显的价格优势。

    Experiments on the sample machine 's capability of real-time recognition and its efficiency show that this system is obviously superior to domestic equipment of the same sort in rejecting a wider variety of foreign bodies .

  25. 利用不同长度眼球壁表面函数值表,建立了一种函数表法辅助X线眼内异物定位诊断方法,并对53例边界或后极部眼异物进行回顾性诊断分析。

    A new method of locating intraocular foreign body ( IOFB ) with function table and X & ray films was established . 53 patients with IOFB were diagnosed retrospectively , and compared with traditional measuring method .