
  • 网络Sodium Erythorbate;D-SODIUM ERYTHORBATE
  1. 陶瓷膜在D-异抗坏血酸钠精制中的应用

    Application of Ceramic Membrane Filtration in Purification of Sodium Erythorbate

  2. 以D-异抗坏血酸钠粗品为起始原料,采用在甲醇溶液中H2SO4酸化的方法,制得了D-异抗坏血酸粗品。

    Crude D-isoascorbic acid was got by acidification of crude sodium D-isoascorbate in methanol with H2SO4 .

  3. 如果使用PVPP除去大部分的酚类物质,再结合SO2,D-异抗坏血酸钠使用效果会更好。

    If the use of PVPP could remove most of phenolic compounds , combined use of SO2 and sodium D-isoascorbate could achieve better effects .

  4. 添加0.02%的D-异抗坏血酸钠可以有效地抑制JNC饮料变色,使其成品贮存180天以上仍不褪色。

    Add 0.02 % D-VjC sodium can effectively inhibit JNC beverage from color changing , and the product is still stable though it have been kept in storage for more than 180 days .

  5. 催化动力学光度法测定锅炉给水中异抗坏血酸钠

    Catalytic Kinetic Photometric Determination of sodium isoascorbate in boiler feed water

  6. D&异抗坏血酸钠在鱼类保鲜中的研究

    Application of D-Sodium Ascorbate in Pretreated fresh r Fishing Fo Fresh-keeping

  7. 考察了D-异抗坏血酸钠与碱在一定温度下于不同比例的CH3OH-H2O体系中的反应。

    The stability of sodium D-isoascorbate in base-CH_3OH-H_2O media is investigated .

  8. D-异抗坏血酸钠生产废液处理研究

    A study on treatment of wastewater from sodium isoascorbate production

  9. 产品结晶是保证D&异抗坏血酸钠质量的关键之一

    Crystallization of Product ── One of Keys Guaranteeing the Quality of Sodium D-Isoascorbate

  10. 食品添加剂&D-异抗坏血酸钠生产工艺的研究

    Study on the Processing of Food Additive-Sodium D-isoascorbate

  11. 山梨酸钾、异抗坏血酸钠处理及不同包装对鲜切梨的影响

    The Effect of Potassium Sorbate , Sodium Isoascorbate and the Different Packing to Fresh-cut Pears

  12. 肉品中亚硝酸钠的含量受亚硝酸钠添加量,产品存放时间,原料肉部位,加热时间、异抗坏血酸钠的添加和腌制时间的影响。

    The addition of sodium erythorbate and curing time also affected the nitrite content significantly .

  13. 柠檬酸和异抗坏血酸钠处理对冷藏鲜切菠萝质量的影响

    Effect of sodium erythorbate and citric acid on quality of minimally processed pineapple during refrigerated storage

  14. 对猪血品质影响的研究D&异抗坏血酸钠在鱼类保鲜中的研究

    The Study of Sodium Ascorbate ' Effects on Pig-blood Application of D - Sodium Ascorbate in Pretreated fresh r Fishing Fo Fresh-keeping

  15. 结果表明,蛋白酶种类、腌制时间、腌制温度对风鸭风味及游离氨基酸产生,及亚硝酸钠、异抗坏血酸钠、乳酸用量和腌制时间对风鸭的发色,均有显著性的影响。

    Results showed that the flavor , free amino acid content and color of dry duck were significantly effected by the above factors .

  16. 并采用3×2析因试验设计研究了油菜原蜂花粉、异抗坏血酸钠、植酸钠对南京香肠抗氧化性能的协同作用。

    Three factors factorial experiment was used to investigate the main effect and interaction rape bee-pollen , sodium isoascorbate and Phy on anti-oxidant function of chinese-style sausage .

  17. 报导了利用硝酸法生产的钙盐母液经硫酸法制成D&异抗坏血酸钠的方法。

    This paper studies the method of manufacturing D iso ascorbic acid sodium salt wing calcisolution , which is abandoned during producing D iso ascorbic acid sodium salt by the method of nitric acid .