
  • 网络Mining tax;severance tax
  1. 原油及天然气开采税

    Oil and gas severance tax

  2. 哈萨克斯坦与俄罗斯矿产资源(石油)开采税浅析

    Brief analysis of severance tax on mineral resources ( oil ) in Kazakhstan and Russia

  3. 部长们已提出免除在巴热诺夫钻采的石油集团繁重的矿产开采税。

    Ministers have proposed a waiver of Russia 's onerous mineral extraction tax for groups drilling in the Bazhenov .

  4. 可耗竭资源开采中的资源税征收预期影响研究

    Study on effect of taxes expectation on exhaustible resources extraction

  5. 为了更好地对资源进行开发和调节,特别是调节资源级差收入、体现国有资源有偿使用,同时对资源开采所产生的环境破坏进行补偿,大多数国家都对资源的开采开征了资源税。

    In order to make better development of resources , to adjust the differential resource and to reflect the compensation for the use of state resources and the damage arising from the exploitation of resources , most countries have collected taxes on exploring the resources .