
  • 网络open kitchen
  1. 这种情况下,公共餐桌和开放式厨房都能减少沉默带来的尴尬。

    In such cases , the communal tables and the open kitchen can smooth over awkward silences .

  2. 有很多人不想改变开放式厨房的格局,最好的办法就是增加抽油烟机的功率。

    Many people do not want to change the open kitchen setup , the best way is to increase the power of range hoods .

  3. 一杯eau-de-vie在手,伴随着开放式厨房里飘出的令人陶醉的芬芳,眺望窗外浦江夜景,醉了没?

    With a cup of eau-de-vie and intoxicated fragrance while sightseeing the night view of Huangpu River , Aren 't you drunk ?

  4. 完全更新成为开放式厨房,大家庭的完美选择。

    Fully updated with an open floor plan , perfect for large families .

  5. 一层是客厅、开放式厨房及后阳台。

    The ground floor has a living room , open-plan kitchen and rear terrace .

  6. 原来受日本人普遍喜爱的封闭式厨房被更适合宴请的开放式厨房取代,并添加了次卫。

    Enclosed kitchens generally preferred by Japanese were replaced by open kitchen suitable for entertaining .

  7. 内部是开放式厨房,宽大的壁橱,四面均可采光。

    Inside are open kitchens with ample cabinets and light filtering in from all sides .

  8. 此餐厅设计焦点为各长14米的开放式厨房和酒吧。

    The vibrant restaurant is highlighted by a14 metre long open kitchen and equally long bar .

  9. 格雷森说,自己梦寐以求的就是拥有开放式厨房及二个卫生间的住房。

    High on their wish-list is an open-plan kitchen and a second bathroom , according to Grayson .

  10. 凯菲厅设有多个开放式厨房即场烹调各款中式、日式和欧洲地道佳肴。

    A number of open sections of the kitchen on the spot cooking Chinese , Japanese and European cuisine authentic .

  11. 看过这样的开放式厨房吗?向室外敞开的设计,满足了主人对家庭聚餐和朋友聚会的需求。

    This fully equipped kitchen opens up to the outside to serve a family 's alfresco dining and entertaining needs .

  12. 盛捷让人有家的感觉,恐怕是从每间公寓都配有的开放式厨房开始。

    Somerset makes someone have the feeling of coming back home because its each apartment is equipped with an open kitchen .

  13. 一个墙是酒吧,另一个开放式厨房与座位为食客提供戏剧性的烹饪。

    One wall is the bar , the other an open kitchen with seating for diners to watch the theatre of cooking .

  14. 它一做好,就从铸铁模具上被取下来,从狭窄的开放式厨房端到几英尺外的餐桌上。

    They are just seconds old , peeled out of a cast-iron mold and carried a few feet from the narrow open kitchen .

  15. 屋内是砖、开放式厨房兼起居室的房中央是一个大理石面的操作台,还有一间大小适中的卧室。

    I had exposed brick walls , an open kitchen and living room with a marble-topped island in the center and a nice-sized bedroom .

  16. “香宫”供应一系列广东及宁波菜肴;以开放式厨房为特色的“怡咖啡”全天候供应各种美食;

    Shang Palace offers a menu of Cantonese and Ningbonese delicacies , while Yi Caf é, with its open kitchen , features a diverse range of cuisine throughout the day .

  17. 餐厅内共有26个吧台坐席,绕着一间格调高雅的开放式厨房排成一圈,餐厅的工作人员就在这间厨房里,为客人准备一客共含10道菜的北欧风味新式德国美食(80欧元)。

    Diners fill 26 counter seats that wrap around an elegant open kitchen , where the staff prepares a prix fixe 10-course meal of Nordic-inflected new-German cuisine ( 80 euros ) .

  18. 这些比萨,比如一张布拉塔芝士加韭菜风味的,是用开放式厨房里的柴炉烤成,均不逊色于你在意大利能找到的任何一家。

    The pizzas , like one with creamy burrata and leeks , are cooked in the open kitchen 's wood-burning oven , and are as good as any you 'll find in Italy .

  19. 他估计,大多数公寓能翻新成西式风格(有烤箱的开放式厨房、较高的厨房台面等等),需要的价钱大约是买价的15%。

    He estimates that most flats can be renovated to a western spec – open kitchens with ovens , higher countertops and the like – for about 15 per cent of the purchase price .

  20. 其中开放式厨房的设置以及客房和公共洗手间的改造都传达了开发商最初的意图:百变空间。

    In the design , the open style kitchen and the renovation of the guesthouse and public washroom all succeed in the conveying of the developer 's original intention : the fully flexible space .

  21. 餐厅位于成都天府丽都喜来登酒店的二层,采用了现在最为流行的开放式厨房设计概念,旨在带给食客们更为生动和富有创意的美食体验。

    Restaurant locates on the2nd floor of Sheraton Chengdu lido hotel with four open kitchens and a juice bar , providing guests the freshest global feasts * all in the most creative and enticing way .

  22. 如果你在澳大利亚馆,你可能会在一个开放式厨房里得到一杯葡萄酒,感受中澳人民之间的亲密友谊。

    And if you find yourself at the Australia Pavilion , chances are you 'll be offered a glass of wine in an open kitchen that reflects the strong ties between the people of China and Australia .

  23. 尽管露台上能容纳好几桌食客,但我的餐桌位于室内,一个宽敞而相对安静的所在,可以看到完整且与就餐区和谐融合的开放式厨房。

    Although that terrace accommodates a few diners , I sat at a spacious and relatively quiet table just inside , within view of an open kitchen more fully and pleasantly integrated into the dining room than such stages often are .

  24. 开放式的厨房设计宽敞、设备齐全,而且更增添了实用性。

    The well-equipped kitchen , open , spacious , and serviceable .

  25. 开放式的厨房,多变的料理方式,花样繁多的鲜榨果汁、酒水、饮料、冷饮无限量自取,使宾客充分享受自助式餐饮的无限乐趣。

    The open kitchen , the various cuisines , kinds of free assorted fresh fruit juice , beverage and wine , will make you fully enjoy the buffet dinner .