
  • 网络kaiping;Kaiping City
  1. 目的为了解开平市华支睾吸虫感染状况,探索大规模调查华支睾吸虫病流行病学的诊断技术和防治措施。

    Objective To study the epidemic status of Clonorchis sinensis infection in Kaiping city , and establish a diagnostic method for large scale of epidemiology investigation for Clonorchis sinensis .

  2. 开平市学生儿童HBV感染状况调查分析

    Analysis of HBV Infection Status of Students in Kaiping City

  3. 目的2003年5月SARS流行期间,开平市一镇某小学出现学生群体性发热病例,为摸清发病原因,迅速排查SARS,控制疫情及评价防治措施效果,我们对该校进行详细流行病学调查处理。

    Objectives During the pandemic period of SARS in May 2003 , a large group of students had fever in a primary school in Kaiping . We aimed to investigate the situation and quickly eliminate the possibility of SARS , and to evaluate the control measures .

  4. 开平市华支睾吸虫病调查与防治研究

    Survey and Control Measures on Clonorchis sinensis in Kaiping City

  5. 目的了解开平市水口镇人体华支睾吸虫感染状况。

    Objective To survey the Clonorchis sinensis infection status in Shuikou Town .

  6. 浅谈开平市防洪规划

    Brief introduction of flood control planning in Kaiping City

  7. 2002年开平市肠道寄生虫感染状况调查

    Survey on Intestinal Parasitic Infection in Kaiping City

  8. 开平市1993~2000年应用阿苯哒唑驱虫糖防治肠道线虫感染效果研究

    Using albendazole anti-helminthes sweeties in controlling the nematode infection in Kaiping city between 1993 to 2000

  9. 目的:了解广东省开平市某公司一起二氧化氯引起的急性中毒原因。

    Objective : To understand the causes of an acute chlorine dioxide poisoning of sanitizer in Kaiping city .

  10. 开平市三次人体重要寄生虫感染状况调查分析

    Analysis on the Surveys of Important Human Parasitic Diseases in Kaiping City in 1989 , 1997 and 2002

  11. 开平市龙山水厂以水库水为水源,由于常年低浊,原水处理工艺已不能适应供水的需要。

    The water purification process of Longshan Waterworks , which takes water from a reservoir , has been incapable to meet the continual low turbidity raw water yearly around .

  12. 信立卫浴有限公司创办于1996年,座落于中国著名侨乡、水龙头生产基地-开平市水口镇,是一家专业生产水龙头的私营企业。

    Founded in1996 , Xinli Sanitary Ware Co. , Ltd located in hometown of overseas Chinese & Shuikou city , Kaiping which is one private enterprise specialized in manufacturing water tap .

  13. 英语注:我去开平市一家去年,好像有很多人来自不同省份(我称他们的普通话的人)。

    EnglishPS : I went to Kaiping city for a visit last year and seem like there are alot of people from different provinces ( Which I call them Mandarin people ) .

  14. 开平市现有小(I)型以上水库38座,由于历史等各方面的原因,普遍存在设计标准偏低、工程质量差、不安全隐患多。

    There are thirty-eight reservoirs of small-sized ( I ) in Kaiping , because of the history reason and so on , it is commonly that the design standard and construction quality low and poor and more unsafely hidden trouble .

  15. 阐述了开平市自然地理条件、洪涝灾害的特点和治涝工程的现状,以及规划治涝工程的基本原则和思路,提出了涝区存在的问题及措施。

    The article give a brief introduction of the natural geography condition the characteristic of flood disaster and the actuality of waterlogging control projects in Kaiping , along with the fundamental principle and design of waterlogging control planning , and propose the measure in solving the waterlogging control problem .