
  • 网络Carrier Corporation;Carrier Corp
  1. 本文围绕市场需求,以FCU生产线为研究对象,首先介绍了开利公司的现状及行业背景,阐述了本文研究的目标、内容及思路。

    It is focus on market demand . Firstly , the status and industry background of Carrier Corp is introduced in this paper , and then make an explanation of the objectives , content and ideas of this research .

  2. 开利公司在四川市场的营销分析

    Marketing Analysis of Carrier in Sichuan Market

  3. 开利公司是世界上最大的暖通空调设备的供应商,它进入中国市场已经有18年历史。

    Carrier is the worldwide leading provider for air-conditioning equipments and it has been around in the China market for 18 years .

  4. 开利公司面对众多国产品牌的低价冲击,如何降低产品的成本是关键之一。

    How to reduce the production cost is the most important thing for Carrier to survive in the market which has many domestic brands with low price strategy .

  5. 谁能更好地为无数美国制造商的回归而谈判,让诸如纳贝斯克、福特和开利等公司回归其最初创立的地方-美国,谁能比一个在全国雇佣了成千上万员工的人更适合做这些事情呢?

    Who better to negotiate the return of countless American manufacturers , like Nabisco and Ford and Carrier , and so many others , back to the United States where they began , than a man who has single-handedly employed tens and tens and tens of thousands of people around the country ?