
  1. 针对当前中国高速公路建设项目评估工作的现状、存在的问题和高速公路建设项目后评估的重要性,依据可靠性工程原理,运用故障树(FTA)的方法,提出了高速公路建设项目可靠性后评估的指标体系。

    To the present situation of the expressway construction projects evaluation , this paper proposed the importance of the reliability past-evaluation to the expressway construction projects , analyzed the problems existing in it at present .

  2. 不完全信息下的某高校十五学科建设项目评估

    Assessment methods about Universities ' subject construction projects on incomplete information

  3. 电网规划建设项目评估与决策

    Evaluation and Decision - making on Projects of Power System Planning

  4. 关于211工程公共体系建设项目评估分析

    Assess and Analysis about " 211 Engineering " Public system Construction item

  5. 浅谈对我国水运建设项目评估的一点看法

    Discussing the project evaluation of water carriage construction in China

  6. 输变电工程建设项目评估的实用判据

    Practical criterion of power transmission engineering projects evaluation

  7. 论建设项目评估假设

    On The Evaluation Suppositions of Construction projects

  8. 地质灾害危险性评估因建设项目评估级别不同,评估深度和精度也不同。

    The depth and accuracy of assessment is quite different as assessment scale for in dangerous assessment of geological hazard constructive site is different .

  9. 从我国项目评估体系入手,介绍项目评估所遵循的原则、项目评估所包含的内容,分析当前我国水运建设项目评估的现状,提出一些建议。

    It introduces the project evaluation system in our country , including the evaluating principles and contents . Analysis is made on the current situation of the water carriage construction in China , and provided some suggestions .

  10. 基于AHP模型的水利院校基本建设项目后评估

    Post evaluation of capital construction projects in hydraulic universities and colleges based on AHP model

  11. 基于区间的电力建设项目经济评估方法研究

    Study on interval-based economic evaluation methods for electric power construction projects

  12. 建设项目后评估理论模式的研究

    Research and Suggestions of Theoretical Model of Construction Project After-Assessment

  13. 2007年健康教育试点建设项目效果评估

    Effectiveness evaluation on national health pilot project of 2007

  14. 计及电价波动的电网建设项目经济评估区间法

    An interval economic evaluation method for projects of power system planning considering electricity price fluctuation

  15. 公路工程建设项目后评估

    On the post-assessment of highway construction project

  16. 作者提出一种基于区间的能计及电价波动的电网建设项目经济评估方法。

    This paper proposes an interval-based economic evaluation method that can consider the electricity price fluctuation .

  17. 高校基本建设项目后评估层次分析模型

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process Model of Post Evaluation of Capital Construction Project in Universities and Colleges

  18. 建设项目后评估的理论建设与实施,是工程管理科学领域中一项新兴的系统工程科学。

    The theoretical construction and implementation of the after-assessment of construction projects is a new and developing systematic project in engineering management .

  19. 所得结果可广泛适用于水运建设项目经济评估实际,提高项目决策水平。

    The results obtained can be widely used in economic evaluation practice of the projects and thus decision quality can be greatly improved .

  20. 补充了国家试行的《建设项目经济评估方法与参数》中风险分析的不足。

    Thus , the insufficiency in the risk analysis in the book , " Methods and Parameters of Economic Evalution of Project ", is supplemented .

  21. 管理人员在很多情况下都要用到未来成本概念,包括成本控制、长期计划、预算、对建设项目的评估和一般的经济决策。

    Examples of management 's use of future costs may be found in a large number of areas , including cost control , long-range planning , budgeting , evaluation of capital projects and busi-ness decisions in general .

  22. 最后,本文指出,咨询公司要在项目评估活动中扮演好自己的角色,必须解决好以下三个问题:咨询公司的发展策略、咨询人才建设,项目评估中的知识产权问题。

    Finally , the paper indicates that being a qualified consulting company , it ought to tackle the following questions : the strategy of development , the maintaining of excellent consulting experts , and the problem of intellectual property in project evaluation .

  23. 然后针对本文研究的内容,对相关理论进行了概述,如项目和项目评估与论证、工程建设项目的评估与论证等,为本文的研究奠定了理论基础。

    Then based on this study , the contents of the relevant theory of were summarized , such as the project and project evaluation and demonstration , engineering project evaluation and argument for this paper , the research provided a theoretical foundation .

  24. 建设项目后评估,对于促进经济建设长期、稳定、持续发展良性循环,具有承上启下、继往开来的功能和作用,其理论建设与实施具有深远的学术意义与实用价值。

    The after-assessment of construction projects will promote the virtuous circle of a steady and long-term economic development and form a connecting link between the past and the future . Its theoretical construction and implementation has profound academic significance and practical value .

  25. 在财务评价中使用了新的评价指标体系,增加了平均收益率(R)来更精确的对建设项目进行财务评估。

    Has used the new evaluating indicator system in the financial appraisal , increased the average returns ratio ( R ) to carry on the financial appraisal precisely .

  26. 试析城市规划和建设项目交通环境评估问题

    On the Transportation Environment Evaluation of Urban Planning and Construction Project

  27. 全国医疗救治体系建设项目完成情况评估

    Evaluation on constructing program of national medical rescue system

  28. 选址敏感类建设项目环境影响评估有关技术问题探讨

    Discussion on Related Problems about Environmental Impact Assessment of Construction Projects in Sensitive Places

  29. 高速公路建设项目可靠性后评估

    Reliability past-evaluation to expressway construction projects

  30. 建立了指标体系,对电网建设项目进行前评估,综合考虑电网建设项目的社会性和可靠性,并给出最优投资组合模型。

    Pre-Evaluation system of grid project is established through analyzing factors of investment decision , and this article develops an optimal portfolio model for electric grid projects taking into account the social benefits of the projects and power system reliability .