
  1. 中国建设会计学会简介

    Brief Introduction to Construction Accounting Society of China

  2. 中国建设会计学会组织机构

    Organizational Structure of Construction Accounting Society of China

  3. 处于初创阶段的教育策划研究在理论建设、学会组织、课题项目和经费、专业研讨与宣传、出版物、现实影响方面取得了一定的成就,但也存在各种不足与问题;

    Although the research in its initial stage has achieved some good results in such aspects as theory construction , organizations , projects and funds , specialty discussions and propaganda , publications and effect , it still has various kinds of problems .

  4. 加强自身素质建设,使学会工作进入科学的管理轨道。

    Strengthening the quality of nursing association and running it by scientific management .

  5. 要进一步发挥桥梁纽带作用,加强自身建设,开创学会工作的新局面。

    Further bring into play of bridges and links , and strengthen self-construction , so as to make a breakthrough in the work of the Association .

  6. 努力在生态林业建设中发挥林学会的作用

    On playing important role of provincial forestry society in ecological forestry development

  7. 新疆生产建设兵团宏观经济学会2007年研究选题指南

    The Macroeconomic Association of Xinjiang Production and Construction Group