
jiàn chǎnɡ
  • build a factory
  1. 近年来,空客一直在努力打破波音此前在中国市场上几近垄断的地位,甚至在天津建厂组装飞机。

    In recent years , Airbus has pushed to break Boeing 's former near-monopoly on the Chinese market by going so far as to build a factory in Tianjin to assemble planes .

  2. CAD技术在饲料厂工程设计中的应用建厂新概念&预装配式配合饲料厂

    Applied pattern of CAD technology in engineering design of feed mill new concept - Modular feed mill

  3. 建厂设计时,分离浮选作业的pH值设定不尽合理,致使试生产阶段铜精矿的品位低,回收率低。

    Unreasonable setting of pH value of the flotation operation stage resulted in low copper grade and recovery during its trial operation .

  4. 我国于1998年建厂,实现工厂化生产,后来自主研制出MAC改性剂,实现MAC改性沥青生产质的飞跃。

    In china , there is a first factory producing the MAC in 1998 , and then develop the modification .

  5. 简介了我国C5资源的利用情况,提出了C5馏分的分散直接利用和集中分离综合利用的方案,并指出开发建厂中值得注意的问题。

    The utilization of C_5 fraction in China is reviewed , a plan for its dispersed direct utilization and its comprehensive utilization following concentrative extraction being put forward , problems for attention in building factories raised .

  6. 随着中国进入WTO后过渡期,中国烟草产业面临着残酷激烈的国际竞争,国外烟草巨头纷纷在中国投资建厂或者寻求合资合作生产、销售本公司的品牌卷烟。

    With its entry into WTO , more and more oversea tobacco corporations have business in china , so the Chinese tobacco corporations are facing fiercer international competition and more development chance .

  7. 内华达州为Faraday在内华达建厂提供了数亿美元的税收优惠。

    Nevada has offered Faraday hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks to build its facility there .

  8. 为苹果制造大部分iPhone的台湾合同制造商富士康(Foxconn)去年宣布计划在印度建厂。

    Foxconn , the Taiwanese contract manufacturer that makes most iPhones , announced plans to set up factories in India last year .

  9. 新建项目的选址定在HW公司内,建厂条件是满足要求的;

    The new plant will be located inside the HW Company and the building condition is satisfactory .

  10. 这家中国电脑制造商2005年收购了IBM的个人电脑业务,目前正斥资3000万美元在印度喜马偕尔邦和墨西哥蒙特雷建厂。

    Lenovo , the Chinese manufacturer that bought IBM 's personal computer business in 2005 , is investing $ 30m in factories in India 's Himachal Pradesh state and Monterrey , Mexico .

  11. 建厂初始,本公司着力于OEM电子零件生产,主要产品为偏转线圈和高压包等,客户以索尼,松下,三星为主。

    At the early stage , the Company produced electronic components such as deflection yokes and fly back transformers for Sony , Matsushita or Samsung at OEM basis .

  12. HG公司是1958年建厂,属国家一五期间原苏联援建重点项目(156项)之一。

    HongGuang established in 1958 , was the one of the important items ( there are 156 items ) by the help construction of the Soviet Union in the First Five .

  13. 今年9月份,中国公司JNFibersInc.同意斥资4500万美元在南卡罗来纳州建厂,将废旧塑料瓶转化为聚酯纤维,用于填充枕头和家俱。

    In September , JN Fibers Inc. of China agreed to build a $ 45 million plant in South Carolina that turns plastic bottles into polyester fibers used to stuff pillows and furniture .

  14. 与很多同行业公司一样,Cookson正在通过并购和建厂来扩大自己在亚洲市场的份额。

    Like many of its peers , Cookson is buying and building its way to an expanded share of the Asia market .

  15. 但在通用电气(GeneralElectricCo.)和百事(PepsiCoInc.)等跨国公司到缅甸寻找机会之际,很多公司主要侧重于在缅甸销售产品,而不是投资建厂或投资于其他资产。

    But while multinational firms such as General Electric Co. GE - 0.90 % and PepsiCo Inc. PEP + 0.16 % are looking for opportunities in Myanmar , many have focused mainly on selling products here rather than investing capital to build factories or other assets .

  16. 在多年肥料建厂经验及经济评价的基础上,运用计算机编制了一套简便的用于复混肥料厂投资项目经济评价的Excel应用程序,为快速进行建设项目的经济评价打下了基础。

    On the basis of experiences of building fertilizer plants and their economic evaluations , a set of Excel application program for economic evaluation of investment project in compound fertilizer plant was compiled . It is simple and rapid for the economic evaluation of construction projects .

  17. 文中还结合四川气田建厂的环保要求,评价了MCRC方法的使用价值及意义。

    Combined with the environment protection requirement of constructing plant in Sichuan gas fields , the use value of MCRC method and its significance are evaluated also .

  18. 由于最近出版的啤酒指南——《伟大的约克郡啤酒》(GreatYorkshireBeer),英国北部的约克郡成了啤酒爱好者的热门旅游胜地,参观史上著名酿酒厂(比如1758年建厂的SamuelSmith、1858年建厂的TimothyTaylor)的热潮也卷土重来。

    The sprawling northern county of Yorkshire is becoming a big destination for beer lovers , thanks to a recently published guidebook called " Great Yorkshire Beer " and a renewed interest in historic breweries like Samuel Smith ( founded in 1758 ) and Timothy Taylor ( from 1858 ) .

  19. 中海油的协议由双方首席执行官于本周二在北京签署。BG工厂计划年产LNG740万吨,其中有一半已经找到了买家,使该集团有信心推进建厂计划。

    The CNOOC deal , signed by the companies ' chief executives in Beijing on Tuesday , gives BG the confidence to go ahead with its proposed plant , knowing that almost half its planned output of 7.4m tonnes of LNG a year has already been sold .

  20. 的米兰是公司经过策略性的选择建厂点,我们的承诺、我们的严谨与我们的竞争力形成了成功的基础,这一基础使得ALBERTORUGGERI的名字在意大利乃至全欧洲享有长期的盛名。

    Our commitment , our seriousness and our competence form the basis of the success that has been associated with the name ALBERTO RUGGERI for so long , in Italy as well as all over Europe .

  21. 然而,即使是有意在印度建厂的中国企业,也会面临许多障碍。菲达集团(Feida)的遭遇就是一例,这是中国一家为发电厂和工厂制造复杂的空气质量控制设备的集团。

    Yet even companies set on establishing facilities face numerous obstacles , as with Feida , a Chinese group making complex air quality control equipment for use in power plants and factories .

  22. 谈今后亚麻原料厂的建厂模式

    Talking about the Building Model of Linen Material Mill in Future

  23. 近期,联想便投资3000万美元在当地建厂。

    It recently invested $ 30 million in a factory there .

  24. 因为同样的理由,丰田公司在美国建厂。

    And for the same reasons , Toyota builds factories in US .

  25. 何时何地建厂还未决定。

    When and where to build the new factory is not decided .

  26. 我们需要到当地建厂,让客户更加放心。

    We need production facilities on the ground to convince our customers .

  27. 南华机电厂从建厂到现在,从未对推出的产品作过价格的调整。

    Nanhua has never amended the price of products since its founding .

  28. 小型工业企业建厂劳动卫生基本技术条件。

    Elementary technological conditions of labour health for constructing small industrial enterprises .

  29. 加工大麦草不污染环境,便于建厂加工。

    Thus will offer rich raw materials for the processing of barley grass .

  30. 今天,他们正在帮助一家比利时公司在俄克拉荷马州建厂招工。

    Today , they 're helping a Belgian company create jobs in Oklahoma .