
  • 网络delay retirement;postpone retirement;delay retirement age
  1. 实际上,在50岁到61岁的雇员中,有63%预计要延迟退休,由此限制了年轻雇员的就业机会。

    In fact , 63 per cent of workers aged 50 to 61 expect to delay retirement , thus restricting openings for younger workers .

  2. 中国能够采取的第一项措施是延迟退休。

    The first is to postpone retirement .

  3. 延迟退休改革相关的配套政策和保障措施非常多,需要统筹谋划、协同推进。

    Jin said retirement age reform requires overall planning and coordination as it involves many supporting policies and measures .

  4. 延迟退休方案今年会先推出向社会征求意见,完善后再正式推出。

    The draft plan to gradually defer7 the retirement age is expected to be released this year , and we will solicit8 public opinions .

  5. 延迟退休改革最重要的特征就是允许个人根据自身情况和条件,选择退休的具体时间,充分体现改革的灵活性和包容性。

    The most important feature of the retirement age reform is allowing people to choose when to retire according to their circumstances and conditions , said Jin . This showcases the flexibility and inclusiveness of the reform , said Jin .

  6. 尹蔚民表示,网上流传的针对不同群体的延迟退休时间表系误读。中央政府制定延迟退休方案将会小步慢走、渐进到位,而且会提前公示、预先预告。

    Yin said the online guideline for when people of different ages should retire is fake , and the central government will take much slower , gradual steps in extending the retirement6 age , and will inform the public in advance .

  7. 研究制定渐进式延迟退休年龄政策。

    Stipulate policies for gradually suspending the retirement age of employees .

  8. 为儿女,英国中产阶级延迟退休。

    Squeezed middle classes plan to keep on working to bail out their children .

  9. 延迟退休不仅仅是由于生活成本的飞速增长。

    It is not just the soaring cost of living which is triggering the delay .

  10. 希腊的公务员可能不得不去适应降薪和延迟退休带来的影响。

    Greek civil servants may have to get used to pay cuts and longer working lives .

  11. 有人表示只采取延迟退休年龄就能够解决劳动力萎缩的问题。

    Some say that by postponing workers ' retirement alone China could solve the problem of it 's shrinking workforce .

  12. 上海市政府希望通过延迟退休减轻就业压力,同时增加养老金待遇。

    The government hopes later retirement will serve as a measure to help ease employment pressure and increase pension funds .

  13. 延迟退休年龄可能是政府在不久的将来不得不做的一件事,以便减轻养老基金日益沉重的压力。

    Extending the retirement age may be something the government has to do in the near future to alleviate the increasingly heavy pressure on pension funds .

  14. 女干部、女知识分子延迟退休,体现了我国社会的进步,是男女性别平等向前进步的一个重要标志。

    The retirement age delay of female cadres and female intellectuals embodies the progress of the society , and it is a significant hallmark of gender equality .

  15. 问及延迟退休的原因,五分之一的中产阶级称他们“需要继续工作以资助子女”。

    Asked about the reason for the delay , one in five middle class workers said they ' needed to keep working in order to support their children ' .

  16. 如果人们延迟退休,随着孩子长大,对她们的需要减少,母亲们应会有更多机会恢复全职工作。

    If people carry on working until they are older , mothers should have more opportunity to return to full-time work as their children grow up and need them less .

  17. 延迟退休年龄是近年来学术界热议的焦点,但目前尚没有研究出既能够令民众满意,又能够降低其负面效应的可行对策。

    Delaying retirement is a hot topic of academic debate in recent years , but there has been no countermeasure that can both make people satisfied and reduce the negative effects .

  18. 人们都知道人均寿命在增长,但没有证据证明延迟退休年龄将适合那些准备鼓励上了年纪的劳动者继续留在工作岗位上的雇主。

    We know the life expectation is rising but see no evidence that a higher age of retirement would be matched by employers developing workplaces which encourage older workers to remain at work .

  19. 这或许可以解释为什么世行会呼吁东亚及东南亚国家的政府进行改革,为提前退休和延迟退休者提供真正公平的激励。

    Perhaps unsurprisingly , one of the reforms the World Bank is calling for in east and Southeast Asia is for governments to provide actuarially fair incentives for both early and late retirement .

  20. 英国哈特伍德投资公司发布的这项报告称,延迟退休“并不是因为热爱工作,而是担心能不能给自己养老。”

    The report , from the investment firm Heartwood , said the delay is ' not driven by a love of their job , but by concerns of their ability to fund their retirement ' .

  21. 中国网(china.com.cn)做的一份网上调查显示,90%的网友反对提高退休年龄,称是否延迟退休应由个人决定。

    In an online survey conducted by china . com . cn , 90 % of web users objected to a higher retirement age , saying it should be up to each individual whether to work longer .

  22. 接下来建立了一个允许个人选择延迟退休的跨期叠代模型,在社会福利最大化下综合个人、企业以及政府的行为,确定最优延迟退休率以及最优的社会统筹养老保险替代率。

    Then we set up an overlapping generation model that has introduce postponing retirement policy , integrate the individual , business and government behavior to determine the optimal retirement age and insurance replacement rate that maximize the social welfare .

  23. 将生命周期理论引入对延迟退休年龄的合理性研究,指出退休年龄向后推移有利于提高个人的保障能力,增加劳动力的供给和养老保险社会统筹基金。

    The introduction of life-cycle theory of the rationality of retirement age , pointing out that the retirement age goes back there help to improve the ability of individuals to protect and increase the supply of labor and pension insurance fund .

  24. 世行表示,在越南提前退休“实际上增加了养老金财富,因为惩罚太少,不会抵消额外收益。菲律宾对提前退休者的奖励是大幅增加养老金财富,对延迟退休者则课以一年17%的处罚”。

    In Vietnam , early retirement " actually increases pension wealth because the penalty is too low to offset the extra benefits received , " the World Bank says , adding that " the Philippines rewards early retirement with a large increase in pension wealth and penalises late retirement at a rate of 17 per cent a year . "

  25. 文章全面分析了延迟法定退休年龄的必要性和可行性,并提出了延迟法定退休年龄的政策建议。

    The paper analyzes the necessity and feasibility of postponing the statutory retirement age comprehensively , and gives some advice on it .

  26. 近日,一名官方研究人员表示,我国将于2017年出台延迟法定退休年龄的方案,以减轻人口老龄化带来的压力

    China will set a plan to raise the statutory retirement age in 2017 to relieve pressures from an aging population , an official researcher said .