
  1. 在台湾艺术家群中,廖继春一向以用色独特大胆和色感敏锐著称,色彩表现力也是无人出其左右。

    As a Taiwanese artist Liao Chi-Ch'un was renowned for his bold use of colours and his sensitivity towards it .

  2. 《花》在缤纷色彩的运用中,唯有花瓶出现一抹纯粹的白色反光,充分突显瓷器光滑的釉面与冷冽的质地,可见廖继春对于色彩的独到与精确。

    In Flowers , a patch of pure white appears in a reflection on the vase , which highlights the cold luster of its glazed surface and tellingly displays Liao 's colouristic precision .

  3. 早在绘画历程的初始,廖继春即追求绘画主题精神性的表现,对于内在本质的关注似乎也预示了艺术家在1960年代朝向抽象领域发展的倾向。

    Even early in his career , Liao sought to project the emotional qualities of his subjects , a focus on their inner nature that here seems to presage his turn toward abstractionism in the1960s .