
  1. 论经济分析在法律判断上的局限性&以康德法哲学为视角的批判

    The Limits of Economic Analysis in Legal Judgements

  2. 针对国外最近对康德法哲学和国家哲学的种种议论,本文指出,康德的法哲学和国家哲学是建基在两个相互联系却又不可归约的论据上的,即自由和权利的原则。

    Based on a critical analysis of the various commentaries now prevailing in the West , the present paper suggests that the legal philosophy and state philosophy of Immanuel Kant are founded on two inter related but independent arguments : liberty and rights .

  3. 康德国际法思想研究

    Study on Kant 's Thoughts of International Laws

  4. 从康德的法哲学看法律与道德的关系

    The Relationship Between Law and Morality from the Philosophy of Law from Kant 's View

  5. 康德的法哲学是他的道德形而上学理论的一部分。

    Kant 's philosophy of law is a part in the system of his metaphysics of morals .

  6. 通过对当代日本法哲学中的新康德主义法哲学、马克思主义法哲学和法社会学思潮源流的考察,可以揭示出当代日本法哲学三大流派的渊源和相互关系。

    The study of the sources of ideological trends in Neo-Kantian Philosophy of law , Marxist Philosophy of Law and legal sociology of Japan 's contemporary legal philosophy , will disclose the origins of Japan 's contemporary legal philosophy and the relations among them .

  7. 因此,我们通过关注康德之后的辩证法和现象学在这一根基处对这种思维方式超越,证明了从对象性思维方式到实践性思维方式转变的内在必然性。

    Consequently through paying attention to this overstep , the inner necessity changed from thinking mode of objectivity to thinking mode of practicality is proven .

  8. 且由于历史法学派、康德哲学、优越法益、罪刑法定主义等思想的影响,及基于德国法官作用的考虑,其开创了侵权法折衷式规范模式的先河。

    Under the influence of historical school of the law , Kantian philosophy of law , superior legal interest , and doctrine of a legally prescribed punishment for a specified crime , it founded the compromise settlement mode .