
  1. 介绍了胰岛素联合山莨菪碱、庆大霉素、康复新、葛根素、利福平等药物治疗糖尿病足的研究进展。

    It introduced the research progress on insulin combining with anisodamine , gentamicin , Kangfuxin , puerarin , rifampicin , and so on to treat patients with diabetic foot .

  2. 结论:秦艽片溶液保留灌肠治疗溃疡性直肠炎的临床治疗效果明显,且效果优于康复新液保留灌肠治疗。

    Conclusion : QinJiao pieces solution retention enema treatments ulcerative colitis until the clinical treatment effect is obvious , and the effect is better than new fluid retention enema rehabilitation treatment .