  • multitudinous;numerous
  • of or by the concubine
  • so that;so as to
  • 众多:~务。~物。~绩。富~。

  • 平民,百姓:~民。~人。黎~。

  • 宗法制度下家庭的旁支,与“嫡”相对:~子(妾生的儿子)。~母(嫡出子女称父亲的妾)。~姓(古代称与帝王没有亲属关系的异姓诸侯)。

  • 表示希望发生或出现某事,进行推测;但愿,或许:“~竭驽钝,攘除奸凶”。~免于难。~几(a.也许可以,表示希望;b.近似,差不多;c.旧指贤者)。~乎可行。


(众多) multitudinous; numerous:

  • 富庶

    rich and populous;

  • 庶物

    every kind of creature; all things


(宗法制度下指家庭的旁支) of or by the concubine (as distinguished from the legal wife):

  • 庶出

    be born of a concubine


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 庶茂

    Shu Ma


[书](庶几乎) so that;so as to:

  • 庶免误会

    so as to avoid misunderstanding

  1. AO微型钢板内固定治疗掌指骨跖趾骨骨折庶的,跖的属于或关于庶骨的

    AO Miniature Steel Plate Internal Fixation Treating Palm Phalanx Bone Fracture

  2. 目的:探讨大黄(庶虫)虫丸对非胰岛素依赖型Ⅳ期糖尿病肾病(DN)患者Ⅷ因子相关抗原(vWF:Ag)、纤维蛋白原(Fbg)的治疗作用。

    Objective : To probe into the action of Da Huang Zhe Chong Pill on VI factor correlative antigen ( vWF : Ag ) and fibrinogen ( Fbg ) in the patient of non-insulin dependent diabetic nephropathy ( DN ) at stage ⅳ .

  3. 本庶佑1942年出生于日本京都府。

    Tasuku Honjo was born in Kyoto , Japan in 1942 .

  4. 推延是掩埋您庶獗能最佳的体例。

    Procrastination is the best way to bury your potential .

  5. 清嘉庆十四年(1809)进士,朝考改翰林院庶吉士,散馆,授检讨。

    In Qing Dynasty the 14th year of Jiaqing ( 1809 ) doctorate .

  6. 广泛庶用于硬水地区。

    Widely used in hard water areas Shu .

  7. 制糖厂的糖蜜。糖汁。庶渣。甜菜渣的输送。

    Sugarhouses : transfer of molasses , syrup , residue of sugarcane and beet ;

  8. 明代庶吉士制度的发展具有鲜明的阶段性特征。

    The development of the institution of Hanlin Bachelor was characterized distinctively by its times .

  9. 九品中正制的考课作用对于士族门阀和庶族寒人是不同的。

    The Nine Grades Appraisal System functioned quite differently from the aristocrats to the ordinary people .

  10. 大黄(庶虫)虫丸对大鼠实验性血栓及体外血小板聚集性的影响

    The Effects of Da Huang Zhe Chong Wan on Experimental Thrombus and Platelete Aggregation in Rats

  11. 葡萄果实糖酸构成特点、遗传规律及庶糖与相关代谢酶关系的研究

    Study on Sugars and Acids Composition , Inheritance and Sucrose Metabolism Related Enzymes Activities in Grape Berries

  12. 到宋代以后,随着庶族地主经济的发展,科举制度也就更显成熟和完备。

    With the development of common landlord economy after Song dynasty , imperial examination system became more mature .

  13. 而寒人庶族只有通过才干和治绩,通过国家的考课,才能取得不断升迁的机会。

    While the ordinary people had to work out great achievements and passed the evaluation to get promoted .

  14. 虽未能尽愈诸病,庶可以见病知源。若能寻余所集,思过半矣。

    Although it failed to cure all diseases , it could be known about the origin of diseases .

  15. 大黄(庶虫)虫胶囊治疗血瘀型慢性前列腺炎的临床观察

    The Clinical Effect of Treating Chronic Prostatitis Whose Differentiation is Blood Stagnation with Da Huang Zhe Chong Capsule

  16. 秦国婚姻制度包括王室嫡庶妻等级婚制和庶民一夫一妻婚制。

    Marriage system in Qin Kingdom was composed of ranking polygamy for royal family and monogamy for common people .

  17. 将中晚唐诗歌流派、诗学观念的研究与庶族研究相结合,应当是一个比较新颖的切入点。

    It should bring a new entry point by combining the research of Poetics , Schools of poetry and Commoners literati .

  18. 如此,再不会驱之上刀山,也庶免沉沦血池之苦了。

    Then he would never be chased up the Mountain of Needles , nor drowned in the Lake of Blood again .

  19. 在唐代,科举制度的实施,为普通庶族文人实现政治理想提供了可能;

    In the Tang dynasty , the enforcement of the imperial examination made it possible for the common literati to achieve political dream .

  20. 中晚唐是一个诗派纷呈、诗学观念更加丰富的时期,也是庶族文士群体崛起、发展的历史阶段。

    In the period of the middle and late Tang dynasty , Schools of Poetry and Poetics are various and commoner literati group rose sharply .

  21. 令后世不可思议的王权罢免现象,也反映了商王继统法的选举制性质。商代继统法是原始公社选举制发展到周代嫡庶制的过渡阶段,前期承前,后期启后。

    The throne succession rule of Shang Dynasty is the transition between the election system of primitive commune and close descent system of Zhou Dynasty .

  22. 翰林院官职是庶吉士散馆后的主要流向,其次是在京各种官职,外放为官者人数比较少。

    Hanlin Bachelors were mainly awarded to the positions in Hanlin Academy and officials in Beijing , a few of them were awarded the local posts .

  23. 农民起事领导集团未对宣传动员体系进行完善和提升,未能提出超越性、整合性价值理念使得动员纲领满足最多庶众的最大利益。

    The uprising leadership did not improve and enhance the propaganda and mobilization system , and failed to put forward transcendence , integration of value ideas to meet the most common interests .

  24. 透过这种行为,我们可以看到中唐庶族文人正在形成的“重利轻义”的人生价值观。

    Penetrating into such behavior , we can know the shaping of the view on life value of the common literati in mid-Tang Dynasty - " to put material gains above justice " .

  25. 特别是东晋以来河南士族大批南迁,侨居的身份及以后寒庶力量的崛起,使文学的家族性特点得到加强。

    Especially , since noble families emigrated southward in large groups in East Jin Dynasty , the citizenship of migrants and the prominence of common people 's force had strengthened the family literature .

  26. 相对于荐举制和九品中正制,科举凸显了公平和公正,确实起到了抑制门阀、拔擢寒庶的作用。

    Compared with the recommend system and grade system , the imperial examination system highlighted fairness and justness , indeed played a critical role in suppressing powerful family and promoting civilian in the history .

  27. 我们也衷心希望,“庶正英文网”能够成为中外保健品行业交流的网上丝绸之路,推动保健产业的发展。

    We sincerely expect that English " Shuzheng Net " will be " the Silk Road " for the exchange of healthcare industry between home and abroad , promoting the development of the industry .

  28. 南朝宋文帝元嘉年间关于“符伍”问题的辨论,反映当时士庶之间在法律规定的量刑标准上并无明确区别;

    The debate about " ranks " in Yuanjia Period under the regime of Emperor Wen in Southern Song Dynasty showed that there were no clear standards for legal penalty among the gentry and the multitude .

  29. 同时,本庶佑在免疫细胞中发现了一种蛋白质,仔细研究其功能后发现同样可以作为“刹车”使用,但作用机制完全不同。

    Meanwhile , Tasuku Honjo discovered a protein on immune cells and after careful exploration of its function , eventually revealed that it also operates as a brake , but with a different mechanism of action .

  30. 唐代以后,随着门阀地主的逐渐消失,庶族地主和农民的地位得以提高,宗法制度也逐渐在平民阶层普及。

    After the Tang Dynasty , with the patriarch of the gradual disappearance of the landlord , the landlords and peasants civilians enhanced the status of , patriarchal system has gradually spread in the civilian sectors .