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dù jià
  • spend one's holidays;go vacationing;holiday;get away from it all
度假 [dù jià]
  • [spend one's holidays;go vacationing;holiday] 指旅行或在某胜地度过假期

  • 在乡下度假

度假[dù jià]
  1. 这是人们放松度假的好时机。不过,由于大家的假期都赶到了一起,各个旅游胜地都是人满为患。

    The people may take the opportunity to relax themselves and go vacationing . however , if all the people spend their holiday together , the tourist attractions would be overcrowded .

  2. 这是富人和名流最喜欢去度假的地方。

    It 's a favourite resort for the rich and famous .

  3. 你度假的价款包括旅馆住宿在内。

    Hotel accommodation is included in the price of your holiday .

  4. 我理想中的极乐是在巴哈马群岛度假一个月。

    My idea of bliss is a month in the Bahamas .

  5. 这个度假胜地是富翁名流的娱乐场所。

    The resort is a playground of the rich and famous .

  6. 这里生气勃勃,是一个绝妙的度假胜地。

    This is a great holiday resort that is full of life .

  7. 我们今年不会再有机会度假了。

    We won 't get another chance of a holiday this year .

  8. 这个度假胜地仍然保持着极少部分人专享的情调。

    The resort still preserves a feeling of exclusivity .

  9. 他今年夏天在度假营玩了两个星期。

    He spent two weeks at camp this summer .

  10. 她正与家人一起度假。

    She 's spending the holidays with her people .

  11. 我们要去海滨度假。

    We 're going to the beach for vacation .

  12. 他们已经预订好了去阳光充足的地方度假。

    They 've booked a holiday in the sun .

  13. 我们提供的度假活动,两岁至十一岁的儿童免费。

    We are offering free holidays for children aged two to eleven inclusive .

  14. 他到希腊度假的主要目的就是去潜水。

    The main purpose of his holiday to Greece was to go diving .

  15. 度假胜地有许多活动是供不太敢于冒险的人玩的。

    There are plenty of activities at the resort for the less daring .

  16. 这家公司提供带水肺潜水活动,不包括在基本度假费用以内。

    The company offers scuba-diving as an add-on to the basic holiday price .

  17. 她当时正和家人在爱尔兰度假。

    She was holidaying with her family in Ireland .

  18. 去年夏天我们一起去度假了。

    We went on holiday together last summer .

  19. 那次度假花了我一大笔钱。

    That holiday cost me a small fortune .

  20. 在度假胜地与主要城市之间有着便利的汽车和火车运输。

    There are good bus and train connections between the resort and major cities .

  21. 我们有适合不同消费计划的度假安排。

    We have holidays to suit every purse .

  22. 他们是在希腊度假时认识的。

    They met while on holiday in Greece .

  23. 我们有适合各种程度消费的度假方式。

    We have holidays to suit every pocket .

  24. 这个度假胜地适合各种口味,老少皆宜。

    The resort is tuned in to the tastes of young and old alike .

  25. 在英国度假对我并不特别有吸引力。

    Spending the holidays in Britain wasn 't a prospect that I found particularly appealing .

  26. 他们在佛罗里达有一套分时使用的度假房。

    They have a timeshare in Florida .

  27. 他们目前正在佛罗里达州度假。

    They are currently vacationing in Florida .

  28. 你去野营度假吗?

    Do you go camping ?

  29. 我们的服装轻便、时尚,并且很适合度假时穿。

    Our clothes are lightweight , fashionable , practical for holidays .

  30. 那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。

    The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands .