
  • 网络wastewater treatment plant;waste water treatment plant;WWTP;WWTPs
  1. BAF在印染废水处理厂升级改造中的研究与应用

    Study and Application of BAF in Retrofitting of Dyeing and Printing Wastewater Treatment Plant

  2. 基于生命周期评价的工业废水处理厂环境影响负荷研究

    Environmental Impact from Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Based on Life Cycle Assessment

  3. 氯作为水和废水处理厂的主要消毒剂已有许多年。

    For many years chlorine has been the major disinfectant used in water and wastewater treatment plants .

  4. 生化需氧量(BOD)是一种表征水体有机污染程度的综合指标,广泛应用于水体监测和废水处理厂的运行控制中。

    Biochemical oxygen demand ( BOD ) is a comprehensive indicator characterizing the degree of ~ organic pollution of water body and wastewater and widely used in monitoring water body pollution and in measuring BOD removal efficiency of wastewater treatment systems .

  5. 万太寅是昆明第七废水处理厂的副厂长。

    Wan Taiyin is the deputy manager of Kunming number-7 wastewater factory .

  6. 印染废水处理厂处理工艺及技术参数设计

    Technology and technical parameter designing for dyeing / printing wastewater treatment factory

  7. 贵公司是否有自己的废水处理厂?

    Does the company maintain its own waste-water treatment plant ?

  8. 废水处理厂成功地利用氧提高了他们的化学过程的效率。

    Wastewater treatment plants successfully employ oxygen to enhance their chemical process efficiency .

  9. 美国各地的废水处理厂已经在利用真空消化器处理固体废料,生产生物气体。

    Digesters to produce biogas from solid waste .

  10. 两种反应器接种了同一市政废水处理厂的活性污泥。

    Both reactors were inoculated with activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant .

  11. 点源污染主要来自工业工厂和城市废水处理厂。

    Point source pollution comes mainly from industrial facilities and municipal wastewater treatment plants .

  12. 在最富裕的一些国家,海水淡化与废水处理厂也有助于解决水短缺问题。

    In the richest countries , desalination and waste water treatment plants can also help .

  13. 变城市污泥为燃料的废水处理厂

    Treatment Plant Converts Sludge to Fuel

  14. 本课题以武钢北湖废水处理厂出水为处理对象,通过研究钢铁企业废水回用的预处理工艺,确定了微絮凝-过滤的预处理方法,进行了小试研究。

    A lot of pre-treatment methods in steel wastewater reuse system were studied , and the Beihu effluent was pre-treated by using microflocculation-filtration .

  15. 传统的废水处理厂没有考虑氮的脱除,处理出水不能达到目前的出水排放标准。

    Conventional wastewater treatment plants have not been designed for nitrogen removal , and many plants do not meet the current discharge limits .

  16. 高效填料塔生物反应器处理制药废水处理厂含硫臭气

    The Treatment of Odor Containing Hydrogen Sulfide Released in the Wastewater of Pharmaceutical Factory by High Efficient Bio - reactor with the Packed Stuffing

  17. 废水处理厂(站)的其它相关规范性要求。

    Other related requirements for Wastewater treatment plant ( station ) . This technical specification is released to guide the industry wastewater pollution control .

  18. 此外,市政废水处理厂每天产生大量剩余污泥,污泥处置费用高。

    Otherwise , the excess sludge generated from the world-wide municipal wastewater treatment plants is plenty and the disposal cost for the excess sludge is very high .

  19. 文章以6000m3/d的洗漂废水处理厂为例,阐述了运用生物膜法处理工程的设计与运行。

    The paper uses the washing-bleaching wastewater plant of 6000 m3 / d as an example , illustrating the design and operation of using the biofilm process .

  20. 加入三种商业超级硝化菌和取自城市废水处理厂的活性污泥则并未加速新建海水生物滤器的稳定。

    It has also been demonstrated that the introduction of commercial additives containing nitrifying bacteria and activated sludge did not accelerate the nitrification sequence in the seawater aquarium .

  21. 报告中提到,第一步就是水费和污水处理费必须和自来水公司和废水处理厂的费用持平。

    ' The first step is for water and sewerage prices to at least cover the financial needs of the water supply and sewerage enterprises , 'the report added .

  22. 焦化废水处理厂接触氧化池中降酚菌群的苯酚羟化酶大亚基基因多样性

    Diversity analysis of the largest subunit of the multi-component phenol hydroxylase ( LmPH ) gene from the phenol degrading microbial communities of an aeration tank of a coking wastewater treatment plant

  23. 该改造工程不仅为其他废水处理厂升级改造提供了经验,而且还取得了良好的经济效益与社会效益,解决了当地水体遭污染的环境问题。

    This project not only provides experience for other wastewater treatment plant upgrading , but also achieved good economic benefit and social benefit , solves the local water body polluted the environment .

  24. 焦称,通过在市区和郊区再建成五个废水处理厂,今年北京市区的废水处理率将增至92%或93%。

    Beijing will increase its urban wastewater treatment rate to92 or93 percent this year by completing five more wastewater treatment plants in some urban as well as suburban areas , Jiao said .

  25. 大型工业废水处理厂节能降耗减污集成新工艺研究节能、节水、节地和低污染新型材料

    Integrated Process Research on Power / Material / Sludge Reduction of Large Wastewater Treatment Plant ; New building materials that help to save energy , water and land resources and cause less environmental pollution

  26. 介绍了我国铀水冶厂和铀矿山废水处理厂中5种离子交换设备的应用概况&运行参数、存在问题及改进情况;

    The application conditions of five different ion exchange units in uranium milling plant and wastewater treatment plant of uranium mine in China are introduced , including working parameters , existing problems and improvements .

  27. 分析了某炼油化工废水处理厂原处理工艺存在的问题,提出了利用炼油化工废水作为稀释水综合处理环氧丙烷皂化废水的改造方案。

    By making analysis on the problems existing in original treatment process of a chemical industry wastewater treatment plant , the modification scheme for comprehensive treatment of propylene oxide ( PO ) saponification wastewater by using oil refinery and petrochemical wastewater as dilution water was presented .

  28. 从7个含酚废水生化处理厂的活性污泥或生物膜中分离出39株降解苯酚的酵母,它们均能以苯酚作为生长的唯一碳源,24小时内可将500ppm的苯酚去除90%以上。

    39 strains of phenol-degrading yeasts were isolated from activated sludge and biological film in 7 wastewater treatment plants which contained phenol .

  29. 纺织废水集中处理厂升级改造关键技术

    Key Techniques of Upgrading and Reconstruction of Textile Wastewater Centralized Treatment Plant

  30. 工业废水对城市污水处理厂设计及运行的影响

    The influence on design and operation of sewage treatment plant by industrial sewage